Would you like to know how to get rid of parasites? Tapeworms, pinworms, and other types of parasites may live inside your body. Immunologists and other biologists are studying the effects of parasitic worms, or helminths, on the immune system, despite your doctor’s assurances that parasites are not a problem for Americans living in the United States. Parasites, diseases, and hosts have been used in a wide array of experiments and many individuals are turning to natural alternatives, such as the Chlorine Dioxide Parasite Cleanse with MMS.
Depending on the size and location, parasites can be classified as either microparasites, such as malaria, which can only be seen under a microscope, or macroparasites, such as roundworms and tapeworms. There are various types of parasite cleanses, such as diets, supplements, or other detox products. It is best to consult a healthcare professional before attempting any parasite cleanse.
Pathogenic Disease
Pathogenic diseases are caused by parasites and pathogens that gain access to your body and multiply spreading disease symptoms throughout the biological system. The most common pathogens spreading disease are bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Pathogenic disease is most often spread to humans from person-to-person, but are also spread by pets, bug bites, contaminated food, and water.
One of the big hitters gaining popularity among the pathogenic disease promoters are pathogenic spirochetes which are responsible for more misdiagnoses of disease than any other, as they have an extremely high survivability index, possess the unique ability to mutate and morph into other forms, hide and hibernate in biofilm, making them almost impossible to locate and kill.

Chlorine dioxide is highly attracted to the pathogen’s positive electric charge to locate and destroy the pathogen, including but not limited to the pathogenic spirochete. Chlorine dioxide also breaks down the biofilm, where pathogens tend to hide, exposing them for extermination. Chlorine dioxide kills pathogens by oxidation causing them to explode.
Friendly bacteria, as well as healthy cells in the body, are not affected by chlorine dioxide as they possess a negative electrical charge. One of the greatest solutions to mankind’s diseases may be chlorine dioxide. It is the same chemical the healthy body’s immune system manufactures to kill pathogens and other harmful microorganisms.
Chlorine dioxide kits are available over the counter as chlorine dioxide water purification drops. This is a safe and convenient way to make chlorine dioxide on demand for the disinfection of water. The two-part kit is available and any sporting goods store and can usually be found in the camping department, for hikers and campers who may need to make safe drinking water from questionable water sources.
Chlorine dioxide is a potent disinfectant that possesses strong antibacterial and oxidizing properties. Its effectiveness in inhibiting or eliminating microbes has been extensively studied in areas like water and wastewater treatment, environmental sanitation, and medical contexts. When organic matter is present, this compound (known as chlorine dioxide or ClO2) has shown to have greater antiviral capabilities against SARS-CoV-2 compared to household bleach which is sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl or NaClO). Note their chemical compositions are completely different even though they share similar chemical elements.
Chlorine dioxide is also effective at destroying pathogenic microbes, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi from vegetables and fruits, without altering their taste. Following administration and detoxification, only a little sodium is left behind as its waste product.
In addition to seeking out and destroying parasites and pathogens, chlorine dioxide also prevents biofilm from forming. Even the thickest and most established biofilm deposits can be destroyed and eradicated by chlorine dioxide. Moreover, it is effective against bacteria, viruses, parasites such as Giardia, as well as the highly resistant parasite Cryptosporidium, which requires a longer period of exposure.
CDS 3000 PPM
CDS 3000 is made from chlorine dioxide gas suspended in distilled water at a solution of 3,000 parts per million or 3000 PPM. It is manufactured via distillation process and requires no activation (unlike the two-part kit). It is more expensive per drop and uses 5-times the number of drops than those made from the two-part kit, but much more convenient if you’d rather not be burdened with mixing or prefer a purer product.
With a pH of neutral, CDS (ClO2) is a concentrated aqueous solution containing 0,3% (3000ppm) chlorine dioxide gas. It contains no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) in the solution. A dose of 10ml diluted with one liter of water is equivalent to 0,003% (30ppm) in 10 shots of 100ml per hour. (= 3mg ClO2 per dose)
Global reports and studies have proven that CDS 3000 kills pathogens and any kind of parasite more effectively than conventional disinfectants or antibiotics because of its high oxidizing capacity.
Eating on Chlorine Dioxide
In the protocols, it is recommended that you plan your meals around your chlorine dioxide usage. For example, if your chlorine dioxide usage is at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:20-8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am.
To learn more about chlorine dioxide and MMS, see Paris Humble’s latest book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, for the latest information, including how to use it for a variety of pathogenic diseases.
One reply on “Pathogenic Disease Chlorine Dioxide vs Parasite and Pathogen”
Does anyone know if the stabilized clo2 (chloralstan) in the Closys mouthwash could safely be used & in what dose? I use it to brush my teeth with and am desiring to do parasite cleanse.