Miracle Mineral Supplement, also called MMS, contains 28% sodium chlorite (which is not the same as table salt, which contains sodium chloride). Natural Alternative Specialists have been using sodium chlorite for over 70 years to treat a variety of microbial conditions and prevent colds and the flu.

When you “activate” sodium chlorite to make chlorine dioxide, Jim Humble discovered that it is even more effective against microbes than sodium chlorite on its own. Because chlorine dioxide is a gas, it cannot be stored for more than a few hours, so it must be made at home.
Chlorine Dioxide: How To Make MMS
A variety of methods have been disclosed over time for making chlorine dioxide basically from scratch. These methods can be found in Jim Humble’s Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century books.

Two-part chlorine dioxide water purification drops are available in outdoor sports shops and online. They are much easier and more convenient to use today. There are several versions available. The current two-part Humble formula is composed of 28% sodium chlorite and 50% citric acid.
Safe, Quick, and Easy Method to Make Chlorine Dioxide
Mixing and activating the drops to produce chlorine dioxide on demand is very quick and easy. It will always be a one-to-one ratio of drops of each solution, and activation only takes 20 to 30 seconds.
In order to make one drop of chlorine dioxide, you need 28% sodium chlorite (Part 1) and 50% citric acid (Part 2). You would put 5 drops of chlorine dioxide in a glass and add 5 drops of part 2 and wait for 20 to 30 seconds for activation if you wanted to make 5 drops of chlorine dioxide.
This is how you make and drink one drop of chlorine dioxide:
- In a small glass (made of glass), you put ONE drop of 28% sodium chlorite
- Mix in one drop of 50% citric acid with one drop of 28% sodium chlorite
- For 20 to 30 seconds, swirl them together periodically
- Add 4 to 8 ounces (or more) of purified (preferably distilled) water.
- Drink the water.
To make two drops of chlorine dioxide, follow these steps:
- In a small glass (made of glass), you put TWO drops of 28% sodium chlorite
- Add two drops of 50% citric acid
- For 20 to 30 seconds, swirl them together periodically.
- Add 4 to 8 ounces of purified (preferably distilled) water, then
- Drink the water.
Chlorine Dioxide Build-Up
Using MMS for the first few days should be a building-up process. That is to say, you start with a very low dose and gradually “build-up” to the dose you desire.
It is not the body that causes side-effects, it is the stomach that causes them, so building up to therapeutic doses is crucial.
It is possible that some people who host large concentrations of parasites or pathogens are not able to tolerate chlorine dioxide at therapeutic doses at the outset. If you cannot build up to the doses of chlorine dioxide mentioned in other articles, within two weeks, then you should abandon any protocol that relies on chlorine dioxide.
Some people can only tolerate 1/2 drop of chloride dioxide, and any dose higher than that causes nausea and vomiting. However, most people can build up to the necessary dose on their own.
On the first day of the build-up, you should only take 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide.
How to mix and take 1/2 drop
- Put ONE drop of MMS in a small glass bowl and then
- Add one drop of 50% citric acid
- Swirl them together periodically for 20 to 30 seconds, then
- Add four to eight ounces (or more) of purified (preferably distilled) water
- Drink HALF the water.
The other half of the mixture will not be useful for more than two hours, so discard the remaining fluid (avoid disposal into septic tanks).
After taking half the glass, wait 30 minutes to see how your stomach reacts.
Follow the same procedure as before, except drink all of the glass of water. See how your stomach reacts six hours later (or the next day).
Build up to two drops the next day. Don’t exceed the recommended dosage by more than one drop per day.
The goal is to build up to the recommended dose before beginning the protocol by increasing the dosage and number of times a day you take it.
Current recommendations suggest not taking more than 3 drops of chlorine dioxide taken at a time. In earlier works, it was suggested that a person build up to 15 drops of chlorine dioxide twice a day. Today, it is more commonly suggested to take 3 drops every hour for up to eight to ten hours each day. It seems to be more effective to take smaller amounts several times a day than large amounts.
Chlorine Dioxide Neutralizers
Vitamin C, immune builders, and antioxidants can easily neutralize chlorine dioxide, but they can be taken either an hour before you start taking chlorine dioxide in the morning or an hour after taking your last dose of the evening.
Paris Humble, author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, carries on her father’s work and is a health coach in the Pacific Northwest, residing in Washington State.
3 replies on “How to Safely and Easily Make and Use Chlorine Dioxide MMS”
Once you add Water, how long do you have til you must drink it.
I am hoping someone call give directions for making Chlorine Dioxide with citric acid powder versus something that is already mixed in a bottle.
i believe that i need 50% water and 50% citric acid powder or flakes, is this correct?
I have used MMS Chlorine Dioxide in the past, but it was already to go in two bottles, but I would like to make my own. I have followed the teachings of Mr. Hubble in the past. Please advise. Thanks so much. Susan
Is there any information about using Chlorine Dioxide with Fenbenzadole and Ivermection for breast cancer. What is the protocol?