Chlorine Dioxide MMS

Pathogenic Disease Chlorine Dioxide vs Parasite and Pathogen

Would you like to know how to get rid of parasites? Tapeworms, pinworms, and other types of parasites may live inside your body. Immunologists and other biologists are studying the effects of parasitic worms, or helminths, on the immune system, despite your doctor’s assurances that parasites are not a problem for Americans living in the United States. Parasites, diseases, and hosts have been used in a wide array of experiments and many individuals are turning to natural alternatives, such as the Chlorine Dioxide Parasite Cleanse with MMS.

Depending on the size and location, parasites can be classified as either microparasites, such as malaria, which can only be seen under a microscope, or macroparasites, such as roundworms and tapeworms. There are various types of parasite cleanses, such as diets, supplements, or other detox products. It is best to consult a healthcare professional before attempting any parasite cleanse.

Pathogenic Disease

Pathogenic diseases are caused by parasites and pathogens that gain access to your body and multiply spreading disease symptoms throughout the biological system. The most common pathogens spreading disease are bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Pathogenic disease is most often spread to humans from person-to-person, but are also spread by pets, bug bites, contaminated food, and water.

One of the big hitters gaining popularity among the pathogenic disease promoters are pathogenic spirochetes which are responsible for more misdiagnoses of disease than any other, as they have an extremely high survivability index, possess the unique ability to mutate and morph into other forms, hide and hibernate in biofilm, making them almost impossible to locate and kill.

Pathogenic Spirochete in Action

Chlorine dioxide is highly attracted to the pathogen’s positive electric charge to locate and destroy the pathogen, including but not limited to the pathogenic spirochete. Chlorine dioxide also breaks down the biofilm, where pathogens tend to hide, exposing them for extermination. Chlorine dioxide kills pathogens by oxidation causing them to explode.

Friendly bacteria, as well as healthy cells in the body, are not affected by chlorine dioxide as they possess a negative electrical charge. One of the greatest solutions to mankind’s diseases may be chlorine dioxide. It is the same chemical the healthy body’s immune system manufactures to kill pathogens and other harmful microorganisms.

Chlorine dioxide kits are available over the counter as chlorine dioxide water purification drops. This is a safe and convenient way to make chlorine dioxide on demand for the disinfection of water. The two-part kit is available and any sporting goods store and can usually be found in the camping department, for hikers and campers who may need to make safe drinking water from questionable water sources.

Chlorine dioxide is a potent disinfectant that possesses strong antibacterial and oxidizing properties. Its effectiveness in inhibiting or eliminating microbes has been extensively studied in areas like water and wastewater treatment, environmental sanitation, and medical contexts. When organic matter is present, this compound (known as chlorine dioxide or ClO2) has shown to have greater antiviral capabilities against SARS-CoV-2 compared to household bleach which is sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl or NaClO). Note their chemical compositions are completely different even though they share similar chemical elements.

Chlorine dioxide is also effective at destroying pathogenic microbes, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi from vegetables and fruits, without altering their taste. Following administration and detoxification, only a little sodium is left behind as its waste product.

In addition to seeking out and destroying parasites and pathogens, chlorine dioxide also prevents biofilm from forming. Even the thickest and most established biofilm deposits can be destroyed and eradicated by chlorine dioxide. Moreover, it is effective against bacteria, viruses, parasites such as Giardia, as well as the highly resistant parasite Cryptosporidium, which requires a longer period of exposure.

CDS 3000 PPM

CDS 3000 is made from chlorine dioxide gas suspended in distilled water at a solution of 3,000 parts per million or 3000 PPM. It is manufactured via distillation process and requires no activation (unlike the two-part kit). It is more expensive per drop and uses 5-times the number of drops than those made from the two-part kit, but much more convenient if you’d rather not be burdened with mixing or prefer a purer product.

With a pH of neutral, CDS (ClO2) is a concentrated aqueous solution containing 0,3% (3000ppm) chlorine dioxide gas. It contains no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) in the solution. A dose of 10ml diluted with one liter of water is equivalent to 0,003% (30ppm) in 10 shots of 100ml per hour. (= 3mg ClO2 per dose)

Global reports and studies have proven that CDS 3000 kills pathogens and any kind of parasite more effectively than conventional disinfectants or antibiotics because of its high oxidizing capacity.

Eating on Chlorine Dioxide

In the protocols, it is recommended that you plan your meals around your chlorine dioxide usage. For example, if your chlorine dioxide usage is at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:20-8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am.

To learn more about chlorine dioxide and MMS, see Paris Humble’s latest book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, for the latest information, including how to use it for a variety of pathogenic diseases.


Chlorine Dioxide MMS

How to Safely and Easily Make and Use Chlorine Dioxide MMS

Miracle Mineral Supplement, also called MMS, contains 28% sodium chlorite (which is not the same as table salt, which contains sodium chloride). Natural Alternative Specialists have been using sodium chlorite for over 70 years to treat a variety of microbial conditions and prevent colds and the flu.

Jim Humble

When you “activate” sodium chlorite to make chlorine dioxide, Jim Humble discovered that it is even more effective against microbes than sodium chlorite on its own. Because chlorine dioxide is a gas, it cannot be stored for more than a few hours, so it must be made at home.

Chlorine Dioxide: How To Make MMS

A variety of methods have been disclosed over time for making chlorine dioxide basically from scratch. These methods can be found in Jim Humble’s Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century books.

2 Book Set Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century Jim Humble Books Part 1 and 2

Two-part chlorine dioxide water purification drops are available in outdoor sports shops and online. They are much easier and more convenient to use today. There are several versions available. The current two-part Humble formula is composed of 28% sodium chlorite and 50% citric acid.

Safe, Quick, and Easy Method to Make Chlorine Dioxide

Mixing and activating the drops to produce chlorine dioxide on demand is very quick and easy. It will always be a one-to-one ratio of drops of each solution, and activation only takes 20 to 30 seconds.

In order to make one drop of chlorine dioxide, you need 28% sodium chlorite (Part 1) and 50% citric acid (Part 2). You would put 5 drops of chlorine dioxide in a glass and add 5 drops of part 2 and wait for 20 to 30 seconds for activation if you wanted to make 5 drops of chlorine dioxide.

This is how you make and drink one drop of chlorine dioxide:

  1. In a small glass (made of glass), you put ONE drop of 28% sodium chlorite
  2. Mix in one drop of 50% citric acid with one drop of 28% sodium chlorite
  3. For 20 to 30 seconds, swirl them together periodically
  4. Add 4 to 8 ounces (or more) of purified (preferably distilled) water.
  5. Drink the water.

To make two drops of chlorine dioxide, follow these steps:

  1. In a small glass (made of glass), you put TWO drops of 28% sodium chlorite
  2. Add two drops of 50% citric acid
  3. For 20 to 30 seconds, swirl them together periodically.
  4. Add 4 to 8 ounces of purified (preferably distilled) water, then
  5. Drink the water.

Chlorine Dioxide Build-Up

Using MMS for the first few days should be a building-up process. That is to say, you start with a very low dose and gradually “build-up” to the dose you desire.

It is not the body that causes side-effects, it is the stomach that causes them, so building up to therapeutic doses is crucial.

It is possible that some people who host large concentrations of parasites or pathogens are not able to tolerate chlorine dioxide at therapeutic doses at the outset. If you cannot build up to the doses of chlorine dioxide mentioned in other articles, within two weeks, then you should abandon any protocol that relies on chlorine dioxide.

Some people can only tolerate 1/2 drop of chloride dioxide, and any dose higher than that causes nausea and vomiting. However, most people can build up to the necessary dose on their own.

On the first day of the build-up, you should only take 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide.

How to mix and take 1/2 drop

  1. Put ONE drop of MMS in a small glass bowl and then
  2. Add one drop of 50% citric acid
  3. Swirl them together periodically for 20 to 30 seconds, then
  4. Add four to eight ounces (or more) of purified (preferably distilled) water
  5. Drink HALF the water.

The other half of the mixture will not be useful for more than two hours, so discard the remaining fluid (avoid disposal into septic tanks).

After taking half the glass, wait 30 minutes to see how your stomach reacts.

Follow the same procedure as before, except drink all of the glass of water. See how your stomach reacts six hours later (or the next day).

Build up to two drops the next day. Don’t exceed the recommended dosage by more than one drop per day.

The goal is to build up to the recommended dose before beginning the protocol by increasing the dosage and number of times a day you take it.

Current recommendations suggest not taking more than 3 drops of chlorine dioxide taken at a time. In earlier works, it was suggested that a person build up to 15 drops of chlorine dioxide twice a day. Today, it is more commonly suggested to take 3 drops every hour for up to eight to ten hours each day. It seems to be more effective to take smaller amounts several times a day than large amounts.

Chlorine Dioxide Neutralizers

Vitamin C, immune builders, and antioxidants can easily neutralize chlorine dioxide, but they can be taken either an hour before you start taking chlorine dioxide in the morning or an hour after taking your last dose of the evening.

Paris Humble, author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, carries on her father’s work and is a health coach in the Pacific Northwest, residing in Washington State.


Chlorine Dioxide MMS

Chlorine Dioxide MMS | Contagious Disease MRSA Liver Cleanse

You might be surprised to discover that a simple water purifier, like chlorine dioxide water purification drops, could have such an incredible effect on one’s health status. While in South America, my dad, Jim Humble, came across the substance by offering his men, who were dying of malaria in the field, water purified by these drops. Subsequently, the workers miraculously recovered in four hours. This was the beginning of my dad’s mission to explore the possibilities of applying chlorine dioxide to health maladies and reporting his findings to the world.
Interestingly, people today are fearful of using chlorine dioxide to assist them on their health journeys. And it’s no wonder. If you ask your doctor, “What if I try chlorine dioxide?” The reply will likely be inflammatory. Why? Because there is no training offered on how to use such an inexpensive substance. To make matters worse, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued false warnings stating that if you were to use chlorine dioxide for health reasons, it would be the same thing as drinking bleach! (If you were to say that to a chemist, he would laugh, but doctors are not chemists.) They just tell you what they are told to tell you for threat of losing their license to practice medicine.
If that wasn’t enough, the FDA launched an effective defamation campaign against my father and his proclamation of chlorine dioxide’s health promoting capacities, which his findings proved time after time. Since then, millions of people have recovered their healthy status using chlorine dioxide, which he nicknamed MMS, and they still do today, even though the FDA says doing so is dangerous and potentially lethal.
You can make your own chlorine dioxide by using a two-part kit, such as NACS Water Purification Drops, which are commonly available at any sports outfitter for purifying questionable water in the field, making it safe to drink.

DIY Chlorine Dioxide

To make chlorine dioxide yourself, mix one drop of Part 1 (a 28% sodium chlorite solution) and one drop of Part 2 (a 50% citric acid solution). Allowing the drops to “activate” for 30 seconds creates chlorine dioxide. Once you have mixed these ingredients together, the result is one activated drop of chlorine dioxide or MMS.
For instance, here are just a sampling of how one might use chlorine dioxide:

Contagious disease protection

The chlorine dioxide should be made by mixing 10 drops of Part 1 and Part 2 (no need to wait for activation or adding water) and allowing it to sit near a sick person for about 12 hours. It will create a safer environment for people. As MMS gas is heavier than air, it will drop and spread out as it drops. It is best to place the cup on a high shelf.

Boils, Staph, and MRSA

In just five minutes, this treatment can kill the worst staph infections.
Start with 5 drops of Part 1, add 5 drops of Part 2 and activate them. Put this solution in a glass and press the opening of the glass around the area you want to treat. Do not touch your body with the solution. If you are using a clear glass, you will be able to see the boil drain away as soon as the gas reaches the boil.
Then you can work your way up to a 10-12 drop dose using 10-12 drops of the Part 1 solution to an equal number of drops of Part 2.
This step cannot be performed using CDS 3000.
MRSA boils can also be treated with zinc oxide. It helps dry up the boil and close the wound.

Natural Liver Cleanse

We have seen some great results with this liver cleanse. It is simple to do, and most everyone can find all the products necessary. The following ingredients are needed – 100% Natural Apple Juice, Magnesium Sulfate (aka Epsom Salt), Cold-pressed Olive Oil, Freshly squeezed Grapefruit Juice. Here’s how you’ll do it:
As always, your diet can remain the same, and there is no need to change anything up; sugars and starches should be avoided anyways.
Here is what you will do on the 6th day:
  • Throughout the day, drink 1 liter of apple juice.
  • 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in 6 ounces of water at 6 p.m.
  • A tablespoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in 6 ounces of water at 8 p.m.
  • I mixed 8 ounces of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil with 8 ounces of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice at 10 p.m. and slept on my right side.
The next morning:
  • 6 a.m. Mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) with 6 ounces of water.
  • A tablespoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in 6 ounces of water at 8 a.m.
This last day, you should eat light all day, maybe some eggs and raw milk in the morning, and some vegetables in the afternoon and at night. Eat foods your body can digest quickly, not meats and heavy meals.
It only takes 8 ounces of black cherry juice to equal 1 liter of green apples. Black cherries have 10 times the malic acid of green apples.

Cleanse yourself of  parasites naturally

A natural method of cleansing the body or parasites, which we believe is just as effective as any chemical protocol, has become available to us. The majority of people on earth live with parasites in their bodies and live a healthy life in spite of them. Whenever the body is infested with parasites and pathogens, the body needs to be cleansed so they do not harm the host.
  • Chlorine dioxide (CMS/CDS)
  • Epsom salt
  • Calcium hypochlorite
  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Clove
  • Black walnut
  • Seeds from pumpkins
  • Garlic
  • Wormwood
  • Ayurvedic herbs
There are many others as well…


Using this carrier, the treatment materials penetrate deep into the tissues and are delivered deep into them. MMS or CDS is carried through the structure of the tooth directly to the abscess and is surprisingly effective in treating abscessed teeth with many MMS protocols. MMS combined with DMSO usually clears up the basic problem as well, and DMSO banishes almost all pains including chronic pain that has been difficult to get rid of.
There is a lot more to know about DMSO, and I recommend getting your hands on a copy of Doctor Roi’s DMSO for Humans: Recipes and Treatment.

MMS and Diet

It is essential to give the body the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. The body absorbs these vitamins, minerals, and nutrients best when they are in their natural state. Organic foods, no GMOs, no hormones, and no preservatives are the best choices for building the immune system.
Use these tips to build your immune system
  • Milk that is raw
  • Butter that is raw
  • Cheese that is raw
  • Beef liver, chicken liver, and red meat with fat left on (especially red meat) that is fresh and organic
  • Honey that is raw
  • After taking MMS, take moringa leaf (high in antioxidants)
  • Organic fruit and vegetables are great for juicing.
MMS may be less effective if you eat a poor diet.

What is the best length of time to take MMS?

After three weeks, if your health has not been restored from whatever disease you are trying to rid your body of, just keep going until it is.
Especially with diseases such as herpes, fourth stage cancer, debilitating diseases, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
It usually takes longer to eradicate a disease if someone has had it for a long time.
Don’t give up until you succeed.
For more information on chlorine dioxide and MMS and how you can use them as applicable to your health, you might like to get a copy of my new book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.
Chlorine Dioxide MMS

Chlorine Dioxide Parasite Cleanse with MMS | by Paris Humble

Insufficient attention is directed towards the gradual accumulation of parasites and pathogens within the human body. While the prevailing belief suggests a harmonious coexistence between parasites and humans, this equilibrium is disrupted when parasites reach a critical mass, severely compromising the host’s well-being. Additionally, it is not widely recognized that parasites may be significant contributors to numerous diseases. Modern medicine often neglects these underlying causes, as addressing them is deemed less lucrative compared to managing patients’ illnesses over time.

Chlorine dioxide, colloquially referred to as MMS by my father, stands out as the most potent killer of parasites and pathogens globally. Commercially, food processors employ chlorine dioxide to eradicate fungi, spores, molds, E. coli, all forms of bacteria, and viruses present in fruits, vegetables, seafood, and various food, dairy, and beverage products. Its effectiveness extends to eliminating a diverse array of parasites and worms found in food processing plants.

Without chlorine dioxide, instances of food poisoning would likely be significantly more prevalent. My father discovered that chlorine dioxide can purify water in any non-metallic container, including the human body.

Three-Week Parasite Cleanse Protocol

For those seeking an effective protocol for a pathogen and parasite cleanse, a three-week regimen involving the ingestion of three activated drops of chlorine dioxide in 4 ounces of water per hour over eight hours each day is recommended. If unfamiliar with regular use, individuals are advised to commence with Phase 1 (one drop per hour or less) and progress through the Chlorine Dioxide Phase continuum until reaching the prescribed 3 activated drops per hour for 21 consecutive days. This regimen is designed to eliminate the majority of parasites and pathogens, restoring vibrant health. For more detailed information, see my book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.

Adherence to the protocol is crucial for optimal results. Any deviations have been associated with the only reported complaints, primarily from individuals who did not faithfully follow the regimen. Completing the 21-day commitment is imperative, and in unforeseen circumstances preventing efficient completion, reducing chlorine dioxide intake to a maintenance dose is advised to avoid exciting surviving parasites into a replicating frenzy. A maintenance dose entails 4 or 5 activated drops in 4 ounces of water in the morning and evening, maintaining the existing parasite population until the full cleanse can be restarted.

Hard to Kill Parasites

Certain parasites, particularly the hard-to-kill Plasmodium falciparum responsible for malaria-related deaths worldwide, require a different approach. An initial dose of 18 drops of activated chlorine dioxide in three-fourths cup of preferably distilled or purified water is recommended, with a second dose an hour or two later if needed. Monitoring for adverse reactions is crucial, and adjustments to the dosage may be necessary. A 90% success rate has been observed in combating severe parasite attacks with this method.

For persistent symptoms, a third dose may be considered. If symptoms persist, a regimen of 6 drops per hour until symptoms subside is suggested. Negative reactions to this regimen should prompt cessation until subsidence, followed by a gradual reintroduction of chlorine dioxide.

Other hard-to-kill parasites, including pathogenic spirochetes, require a prolonged period of consistent attack to fully eradicate these highly evolved parasites with the most advanced survival skills.

The primary benefit of the chlorine dioxide parasite cleanse is the elimination of parasites and the prompt rebuilding of the body’s immunity, which provides protection against future parasitic and pathogenic threats.

Guidelines for Obtaining and Producing Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide can be synthesized conveniently using a two-part water purification kit, wherein equal drops from Part 1 (or Part A) and Part 2 (or Part B) are combined to generate chlorine dioxide. These water purification drops are readily available over the counter at sporting goods stores. Campers, hikers, outdoor enthusiasts, and military personnel commonly utilize them to purify potentially contaminated surface water for consumption in the field.

The subsequent instructions pertain exclusively to a two-part kit comprising a 28% sodium chlorite solution in one bottle and a 50% citric acid solution in the other. It is imperative to inspect the labels before acquiring the water purification kit. Additionally, review the activation instructions, as the procedure may differ among manufacturers. Adherence to label instructions is essential if they deviate from the ensuing directions.

Commence the process with a clean, dry glass—avoid using plastic or metal for chlorine dioxide production. Add one drop of Part 1 to the glass, followed by one drop from Part 2, and swirl the two drops together. Allow these drops to activate for 30 seconds, during which they will adopt an amber hue with the scent of chlorine. After the activation period, mix the activated drops with four ounces of pure distilled water in the glass to create a one-drop dose. This two-part kit consistently maintains a one-drop to one-drop ratio (refer to your kit’s documentation for variations).

A general guideline is to initiate with one activated drop and incrementally increase the dosage as needed while monitoring for adverse reactions. In the event of a negative reaction, reduce the subsequent dose by half until the adverse reaction subsides. Gradually escalate subsequent doses as they become tolerable until reaching the desired dosage.

How to Make a Half-drop of Chlorine Dioxide

Creating a one-half drop dose is straightforward. For example, to formulate a half-drop dose, generate a one-drop dose (as described above), but instead of adding 4 ounces of water, add 8 ounces. Pour off half the mixture to obtain a one-half drop dose. Similarly, incorporating 16 ounces of water and utilizing only 4 ounces of the solution would yield a quarter of a drop, and so forth.

Caution is warranted, as Part 1 is highly alkaline, and Part 2 is acidic, akin to lemon juice. Spills may discolor clothing, necessitating ample water for cleanup and precautions to prevent skin contact.

Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO

For an enhanced parasite cleanse, the addition of DMSO to chlorine dioxide is an option. Incorporating one teaspoon of DMSO into a four-ounce dose can amplify the effectiveness of the cleanse, particularly against resilient parasites. Although not obligatory under regular circumstances, this addition provides an extra advantage. Moreover, a 50/50 mixture of the regular chlorine dioxide dose with DMSO can be topically applied to specific skin areas to target parasites in conjunction with internal administration, not as a substitute.

It is essential to acknowledge that the United States Food and Drug Administration strongly opposes the ingestion of chlorine dioxide for personal use. Independent research is encouraged, and consulting a licensed medical professional is advisable before taking any action.

Reference materials, such as my book or those authored by my father Jim Humble, like his The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, may be valuable resources in conducting thorough research.


Chlorine Dioxide MMS

MMS of the 21st Century from the Yellow Book

You must mix the NaClO2 solution with 50% citric acid activator in a ratio of 1:1; therefore, one drop NaClO2 equals one drop of activator. Chlorine dioxide water purification drops are available over the counter to create chlorine dioxide water purifiers on demand. Stir 1 drop of Part 2 into 1 drop of Part 2 in a clean dry glass, wait 30 seconds, then add 4 ounces of water. This is one MMS serving.
2 Book Set Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century Jim Humble Books Part 1 and 2
To prevent illness (following suggestions from the yellow book, Part 1, not responsible for errors or omissions. It is suggested that you get the book[s] for accuracy):
If no acute illness is present, it is best to begin with 2 drops of NaClO2 (Part 1) and 2 drops of activator (Part 2). Available as a two-part water purification kit from NACS.
Once daily, the dosage should be increased by one drop every day to a maximum number of drops NaClO2 and activator, as well tolerated.
As part of the prevention program, stick to this dosage for one week.
If the body has been cleansed of pathogens and heavy metals, you may decrease the prevention program to 5 drops NaClO2 – with the corresponding amount of activator – once a day for older people (60+), or twice a week for younger people.
Children’s appliances (prevention and/or treatment)
Children should begin with a dose of 11.2 drops. To prepare this, mix 1 drop NaClO2 with 1 drop activator and pour away half of it before drinking. Increase the dosage continuously to a maximum of 1 drop (NaClO2 + activator) per 4kg body weight.
In addition, you should start with 12 drops of NaClO2 + activator and increase to 1 drop twice daily. This means that you should give 1 drop in the morning and again in the afternoon.
When nausea occurs, the dosage should be decreased by one drop until a tolerable dosage is reached. Once you are certain that this dosage is well tolerated, you may increase it again step-by-step to its maximum.
Animals’ appliances (in case of illness)
The dosage for animals should be 11.2 drops of NaClO2 + activator. Prepare the dose by mixing one drop NaClO2 with the activator and pouring away half the mixture before drinking. Continue increasing the dosage until a maximum of 1 drop (NaClO2 + activator) per 4kg body weight. It should be given twice daily, and if well tolerated, increased to the maximum every day.
Illness-specific applications
MMS is not a pharmaceutical, it is a mineral supplement that strengthens your immune system by fighting illnesses, pathogens and injuries. (Advice: MMS is not a pharmaceutical, it is a mineral supplement that strengthens your immune system).
Viruses such as hepatitis A, B, and C
In order to avoid nausea, you should stick with the dosage until it is well tolerated, and then gradually increase the dosage. If nausea occurs while increasing the dosage, you should decrease the dose by 1 drop until it is well tolerated again.
The herpes virus
If you have already reached 5 drops, take twice daily for a week. In severe cases, the herpes pathogen can take up to 2 months to be completely eradicated. An external application can also be applied on the affected area. See Part 1 for external applications.
Rheumatoid arthritis
The dosage for rheumatoid arthritis and Lyme arthritis is the same as described under “The Beginning”.
To treat severe arthritis, you may need to add DMSO. For this, we recommend the book “DMSO for Humans: Recipes & Treatments” by Herb Roi Richards. Ph.D. Begin with 2 drops of NaClO2 + activator and increase gradually until you reach twice a day.
Inflammatory bowel disease
In most cases, MMS can treat asthma, but it cannot cure irreparable damage caused by it. Once the dose is well tolerated by asthma patients, it may take up to two months. Remember to gauge your tolerance and increase the dosage safely. It may take up to two months for the dosage to be well tolerated.
High cholesterol can be reduced in the arteries with the MMS prevention dosage. High cholesterol is the sign of a vitamin C deficiency. The body uses cholesterol to repair the flagged and prudish vascular walls. A teaspoon of vitamin C should be taken daily. In the event of diarrhea, the amount may be reduced.
Disease caused by Lyme bacteria
Begin with 2 drops of NaClO2 + activator and increase to twice a day. You can take a maximum of 30 drops of NaClO2 + activator over 8 times a day. The dosage may need to be increased until the disease has receded, depending on individual tolerance. However, a thorough medical examination should always be performed regardless if no improvement occurs.
The malaria virus
It is advisable to begin directly with a dosage of drops NaClO2 + activator and repeat this dosage after 1 to 2 hours. The majority of symptoms should subside within four hours, if not, take a third dose. If they persist, you should take two doses daily until they are gone.
Leukemia and cancer
Start off with 2 drops of NaClO2 + activator and increase the dose to twice daily. During 8 days, use 30 drops of NaClO2 + activator. If no improvement is seen – based on tolerance – it is possible to increase the dose until the cancer is eradicated. However, a medical examination is strongly recommended regardless of whether or not an improvement appears.
The aids epidemic
Take 3 drops NaClO2 + activator three times a day as soon as you reach a tolerated dosage. Start with 2 drops NaClO2 + activator and increase the dosage as quickly and safely as possible.
Illnesses and illness-conditions remaining
Through the MMS, our body’s immune system can protect us from viruses, parasites, bacteria, mold, and saccharomyces albicans that cause illness.
To avoid this, it is recommended to stick to the prevention dosage.
Bites from mosquitoes and other non-toxic insects
Wait 30 seconds after mixing 10 drops of NaClO2 (Part 1) with 10 drops of activator (Part 2).
After 5 minutes, the bite should have improved. Do not rinse off the solution. Dilute the solution with half a glass of water when treating larger areas.
Bite from snakes
If possible, consult a doctor immediately.
During a 2 hour period, take five drops of NaClO2 + activator every 30 minutes. The poison can be sucked out of the wound by taking it twice every hour and then once every two hours until the threat is over. Do not cut into the wound, as this will only cause it to spread more rapidly.
Ulcers in the stomach
To reach a dose of twice a day, start with 1 drop of NaClO2 + activator and increase the dose by 1 to 2 drops each day.
Tapeworms and parasites
You should take one drop of NaClO2 + activator two to three times per day. This should be increased to two to three times per day.
Applications of other kinds
Application external to the body
Mix 6 drops of NaClO2 with the activator in a glass, wait 30 seconds, and then add a tablespoon of water.
Let the mixture react for several hours or even overnight on the affected area.
If necessary, repeat the process.
You should apply 20 drops of NaClO2 and 20 drops of activator to a rash or melanoma every two hours and at least twice a day for two to three days.
MMS should also be taken orally.
Inflammation of the teeth, gum infection, and periodontitis of the mouth
Prepare a new dose every day. Keep the solution in your mouth for a maximum of 60 seconds. Place 6 drops of NaClO2 and 6 drops of activator in a glass, wait 30 seconds, and fill up half the glass with water. Brush your teeth several times throughout the day with this solution.
Within one week, gum infections and periodontitis should be gone, and within three weeks you should have a healthy mouth.
The scalp
After mixing 6 drops of NaClO2 with 6 drops of activator into a glass for 30 seconds, add a quarter or half of water and fill it up. After applying the solution to the scalp, wash it off after 10 minutes. Otherwise, the hair may bleach. Repeat two to three times a week based on severity. You should never do this procedure more than once a day.
The burns
It is recommended to treat burns as soon as possible. The MMS can also treat older burns if necessary.
Directly apply NaClO2 – Part 1 – without activator or additional liquids
After 30-60 seconds, wash it off and repeat if necessary.
Notes on explanations
Intake advice
A stopwatch is recommended for measuring the waiting time (min. 30 seconds).
Information about other topics
High blood pressure is not caused by MMS.
Drink a glass of apple-, cranberry-, grape- or pineapple juice before and after drinking MMS if low blood pressure appears. Important: juice without added vitamin C is best.
Iodine levels are not affected by MMS.
If necessary, decrease the MMS dose if you experience temporary tachycardia due to bacteria being destroyed by MMS.
The consumption of two apples after drinking MMS helps absorb and excrete waste products.
A combination of MMS and vitamin C, or any additional food or drink containing vitamin C, should not be taken on the same day, as their effects will cancel each other out.
Water disinfection
Drink 4.5L of water after 8 hours after adding 4 drops of NaClO2 (without activator).
For tap water (for example in foreign countries), add 3 drops of NaCIO2 with 3 drops of activator and drink after 1 hour. You can also disinfect fruits by adding 6 drops of NaClO2 and 6 drops of activator.
Chlorine Dioxide MMS

Discover Affordable Treatments for Poor MMS Chlorine Dioxide

In the quest for an affordable solution to aid in the rapid healing of chronic and debilitating illnesses, extensive research has been conducted. The primary focus has been on finding a treatment accessible to the economically disadvantaged, especially for eradicating cancer without the harsh side effects associated with conventional treatments. MMS chlorine dioxide can be commonly found while conducting such research.

Our attention centers around Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2), a potent microbial killer. Recognized by the FDA through numerous patents as a promising treatment for cancer and other severe diseases, Chlorine Dioxide could offer a cost-effective solution that allows even the most impoverished individuals access to a straightforward method for healing various diseases, both manmade and natural.

Note that when we mention MMS or CD, we are referring to the same substance. (MMS/CD) MMS/CD is created using Citric Acid Activation of Sodium Chlorite resulting in Chlorine Dioxide after allowing to activate for 30 seconds.

Through thorough and ongoing research, a discovery has been made that holds potential benefits for everyone. Despite efforts to keep it under wraps, this treatment, when used according to FDA patents, has the potential to prevent deaths from cancer and other debilitating diseases. All it requires is a bit of patience, allowing Mother Nature to work her healing wonders.

Chlorine Dioxide, often referred to as a “stabilized oxygen” formulation, is a 28% solution of Sodium Chlorite in distilled water. When combined with a mild acid like lemon or lime juice, or citric acid, it produces Chlorine Dioxide. When ingested, this compound boosts the immune system, effectively eliminating various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi, and molds. Given that our bodies consist of over 70 percent water, Chlorine Dioxide acts as a safe and highly effective water purification agent, cleansing the body of disease-causing pathogens.

Chlorine Dioxide, a seemingly simple compound, holds immense power in its ability to eliminate pathogens. Unlike drugs, it comprises a harmless form of chlorine found in table salt and oxygen. What makes Chlorine Dioxide (also known as MMS) remarkable is its availability to even the most economically disadvantaged populations globally.

Functioning as an oxidizer, Chlorine Dioxide selectively attacks bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites, most heavy metals, and harmful substances within the body. Notably, it leaves friendly bacteria, flora, and healthy cells unharmed. As municipalities increasingly adopt Chlorine Dioxide for water treatment, its safety and efficacy become even more evident. The choice of Chlorine Dioxide over regular chlorine (Cl) or bleach stems from its safety and the additional oxygen content, enhancing its pathogen-killing capabilities.

To gain the benefits of Chlorine Dioxide, it’s crucial to follow specific protocols and instructions for a thorough detox. Proper nutrition is also essential during this process, emphasizing the avoidance of junk foods. By incorporating Chlorine Dioxide into your routine, accompanied by a positive dietary change, improved well-being can be achieved in a relatively short period.

Affordable Two-part CD/MMS Kit

Understanding CD-CDS

CD (Chlorine Dioxide) is a mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with hydrochloric acid, while CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) is the gas of the mixture dissolved in water via distillation, maintaining a pH-neutral state. MMS, or Miracle Mineral Solution, coined by Jim Humble, refers to the two-part mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with citric acid, now commonly known as chlorine dioxide or CD.

The Humble Discovery of MMS

Jim Humble’s story is particularly intriguing. While prospecting for gold in the Guyana jungle, miles away from any hospital, his team fell ill with malaria. With only a drinking water disinfectant at his disposal, Jim administered a few drops to his feverish, delirious team. Astonishingly, within four hours, they had all recovered from malaria. This incident sparked further exploration into the potential healing properties of Chlorine Dioxide.

Jim Humble, a highly principled individual with a genuine intent to help people, has potentially saved more lives than anyone on the planet. Despite not profiting from the global sale of his invention, he has authored books such as The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, to guide people in safely using the MMS Protocols. His life’s work remains a beacon of hope for those seeking alternative and accessible healing solutions.

Any of us would be blessed to leave behind such a legacy.

Affordable Healing

Honorably, his daughter, Paris Humble continues to carry the torch for chlorine dioxide MMS as an affordable healing agent, as she continues the mission of making the information available to those who are financially disadvantaged, who may not have access to the otherwise illusive expensive healthcare without insurance or other medical funding.

You can get more information on the chlorine dioxide water purification drops that her father nicknamed MMS in her book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.


Chlorine Dioxide MMS

Jim Humble’s Master Mineral Solution for the Third Millennium

Follow the amazing journey of MMS, “Master Mineral Solution”, previously known as “Miracle Mineral Supplement”. It is Jim’s new book that continues to tell the story of MMS changing the world. Jim’s second books, “Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century,” picks up from where it left off until the present in “The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium.”

Over 800 HIV/AIDS cases have been successfully treated by Jim in Africa, where he returned recently. During the past year, he taught nine lectures in Europe, a five-day seminar in Germany, and ten ten-day seminars in the Dominican Republic, all based on MMS protocols. Within the next five years, this new MMS book is likely to save your life or that of a loved one.

In this 268-page book, Jim has updated all the MMS topics that were covered in the first book.

  • Safety precautions
  • What is MMS?
  • New MMS protocols
  • Protocols for healing diseases
  • How to tell if MMS is working
  • MMS2 and MMS3
  • How MMS can be used to heal animals
  • How to make MMS in your kitchen
  • Chemical explanations for laymen and scientists
  • An overview of oxidizers and how oxidation destroys pathogens
  • Vaccines, MMS, and ARVs
  • Methods of using MMS other than orally
  • Stories from Mexico, South Africa, and Malawi
  • Drugs and MMS
  • How MMS can also be bought, used, and taught to others
  • Learn more about the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing and its 218 Ministers of Health in 53 countries
  • And so much more…

When you understand the information in this book, use the formulations, and follow the protocols, you will be able to treat many diseases more effectively than any medical doctor, resulting in substantially greater results, including eradication of disease (good luck finding a doctor who can eradicate an “incurable disease,” but you can do it on your own) as well as saving lives, perhaps your own!

From the Author:

In case you are new to Master Mineral Supplement (MMS), I do not want you to think that it is just another supplement that can work for some people after several months of taking it. This is not true.

Malaria is currently the leading cause of death worldwide and can be effectively treated with the Master Mineral Solution (MMS) within four hours. Clinical trials conducted in Malawi, located in eastern Africa, have consistently shown a 100% success rate in eliminating the malaria parasite. Furthermore, over 800 HIV/AIDS cases have been successfully treated using MMS in Malawi, with documented test results before and after treatment. This solution has also been utilized by more than 5 million people globally.

In 5 days, people often become disease-free and other illnesses and conditions simply disappear after taking the Master Mineral Supplement. In the nearest hospital, if this Master Mineral were used, over 50% of patients would return home within a week, and 90% would return before two months had passed.

MMS’ active ingredient has been used to sterilize hospital floors, tables, equipment, medical tools, and other items for over a century in clinics, hospitals, and throughout the medical industry. It is now possible for the immune system to use this powerful germ killer to kill pathogens safely.

As amazing as it might seem, taking MMS correctly allows the immune system to kill only germs, bacteria, and viruses that pose a threat to the body. It is one of the same chemicals that the body’s immune system produces to kill pathogens and other harmful microorganisms in the body. MMS does not affect friendly bacteria or healthy cells in the body.

There is no drug that can cure mankind’s diseases, sickness, and pain better than MMS. I have provided complete details on how you can DIY make this supplement in your kitchen, purchasing most of the ingredients off the shelf and doing it yourself. It is entirely possible that you will save someone’s life or your own life.

In addition to being an immune system booster, MMS has been found to improve the immune system to the point of being able to overcome most diseases, frequently in under 24 hours.

The purpose of this book is to share the information more widely. This information is far too valuable to allow one person, one group or even several groups to control.

After 5 years of seeing practically nothing done by a group that could have done a great deal, I realized that the information had to be distributed to as many people as possible or someone would always be out of the loop and not receive this life-saving data. Frequently, medical information is kept from the public that could have saved lives, and my intention is to prevent that from happening with this information.

Genesis II Church of Health and Healing now uses MMS solution for its sacred cleansing water.



Chlorine Dioxide MMS

MMS Once Upon a Time in Mexico

Elementary school teacher from Hermosillo, Mexico relates eight stories regarding her use of MMS (chlorine dioxide). Clara Beltrones says, “I first started using the MMS on May 25 of this year. My youngest daughter’s tonsils became swollen with white spots on them. I took her to the doctor, and he prescribed penicillin and anti-inflammatory drops which I gave to her when we returned home. Within ½ hour her whole started to swell with spots similar to those her tonsils and she had problems breathing.   I took her back to the same doctor who gave her a shot to bring the swelling down.   I brought her home and in an hour nothing had happened.   So, I called Jim Humble, and he said give her one drop MMS and then another drop an hour later.    In the first 15 minutes of the first dose, the swelling of her body back to normal.   I took her back to the doctor as I wanted him to see what was going on in her body.   The doctor asked what I gave her, because the tonsils were halfway down, and the spots were gone.  I decided not to say anything to the doctor.  I came back home and gave her second drop.   This happened during the morning and by that afternoon, she was back to normal except she had a runny nose.  The next day she was completely clear.” (1)

In the book, Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century Part 2 by Jim Humble, Beltrones gives other detailed reports, such as, her aunt and her daughter tried MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) and experienced tingling in their bodies after the first dose and noticed changes the next day. Her daughter, who had not had her period for six months and lacked breast development, saw breast growth and got her period. She also felt less nervous, lost weight, and stopped taking her psychiatrist-prescribed pills for depression. Her aunt felt more energized, slept better, and her chronic back and leg pain disappeared, so she stopped taking her prescribed pills for depression and anxiety. Two months later, both of them were still doing well. (2)

Clara Beltrones

Other reports include Beltrones’ 5-year-old daughter, waking up with severe swelling all over her body, especially her eyes. She also had intense lower right abdominal pain and was vomiting due to the pain. After taking her to the emergency room, they diagnosed her with acute appendicitis and began preparations for an emergency operation. Beltrones decided to transfer her to a local private hospital and, in the meantime, administered a 6-drop dose of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) to the 5-year-old. Remarkably, her swelling reduced, and the pain nearly disappeared within 20 minutes. As a result, the hospital decided to keep her under observation rather than perform the surgery immediately. After three hours of observation and additional tests, the blood test, urine test, and X-rays came back negative for appendicitis. The doctor did not disclose the results of these tests, but the swelling and pain were gone. Upon returning home, her daughter experienced a severe stomach pain and passed water and green material in the restroom, which marked the end of her symptoms. No second dose of MMS was administered. (3)

Followed by the report of Liz who had complaints of back pain, leg pain, and cramps in her legs that had been ongoing since she was 18, following tonsil removal. She also had rheumatoid arthritis and varicose veins. Beltrones administered six drops of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) and a repeat dose an hour later. Within 15 minutes of the first dose, Liz’s lower back pain disappeared, and she could sit and stand without difficulty. The following morning, she reported being pain-free and able to sit comfortably, which amazed her. After three days of taking the nightly six-drop doses, her varicose veins remained the same size, but the pain was gone, and she experienced increased energy. Later, she mentioned a weight loss of 10 pounds. Subsequently, she went camping and was able to walk over 4 miles without pain or fatigue. During this period, she noticed that a fungus on the bottom of her foot that had been present for over 5 years had disappeared. Liz also reported that her skin was in better condition, and cramping before her period was no longer an issue. (4)

Then there was Martha, a small grocery store owner near the author’s house, complained of neck pain one morning, and the author administered two doses of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) an hour apart. The neck pain disappeared after the first dose, prompting Martha to keep a bottle of MMS in her store to treat people in the neighborhood and customers. (5)

For instance, Martha helped a person with a toothache by having them rinse their mouth with 15 drops of MMS, which provided immediate relief. She also began treating her mother, who suffered from emphysema and rheumatoid arthritis and was bedridden with oxygen support. After the first MMS dose, the mother vomited white substance, but the second dose, an hour later, allowed her to breathe comfortably without oxygen and sleep well. Over the following days, her condition improved significantly, with reduced pain, increased mobility, and the ability to walk with a walker. She continued taking six drops each night, with plans to increase the dosage. Martha also took MMS drops to alleviate feelings of nervousness and anxiety, which calmed her down quickly. (6)

Beltrones’ mother had suffered from acid reflux and hemorrhoids, which had caused inflammation in her lower intestines for many years. She started using MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) with an initial dose of 15 drops. For the following two months, she took six drops daily. Then, she decided to increase the dosage to clean her system, going from 6 to 10 to 11 drops. By the third day, she felt great with lots of energy and continued taking MMS, losing six pounds and noticing a reduction in the size of her stomach. (7)

Finally, Beltrones’ 12-year-old son who suffered from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) throughout his life, for whom they had always paid for attendance to special schools, (which was costly in Mexico, at about $2000 US per year). Carlos had exhibited poor conduct and social skills, making it challenging for his mother to manage his chores and interactions with other children. After starting him on a daily regimen of 6 drops of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), her son began to show positive changes within about two weeks. His attitude improved, and he became more pleasant and well-behaved, getting along with others and displaying appreciation. She is excitedly awaiting reports from school. (8)

The full details of Clara Beltrones’ 8 reports can be found in Jim Humble’s book, “Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century Part 2.”


Chlorine Dioxide MMS

How to Use Gel Capsules for Administering Chlorine Dioxide MMS

You can overcome the bad taste of chlorine dioxide by diluting your dose by taking your MMS in capsules. See chart summarizing how to do the capsule calculations for Use of Gel Capsules Sizes 0 and 00 below.

Step One: Making up a Capsule

First make up a 50% solution of citric acid. For this method, you must use 50% one-to-one drops of citric and MMS.

Capsules are too small to take the 5 drops of 10% citric acid required for each drop of MMS.

Obtain a wine glass with a dimple in the bottom. Many such glasses do not have the dimple, but enough of them do that you will be able to find one. The dimple is to contain the few drops needed to make the MMS mixture.

Obtain size zero gel capsules. Most people can swallow size zero or even size 00 with no trouble.

After testing for many days, I have come to the conclusion that you don’t want to use more than 2 drops of MMS per capsule except in emergency situations, and in that case, you can use a larger capsule.

• The reason for this is that you do not want 6 drops of highly concentrated MMS in your stomach at one time. The capsule may get up against your stomach lining and become painful or you will have vomiting, usually what they call projectile vomiting, because the stomach really doesn’t like that kind of thing.

Step Two: Activate the MMS

Put 1 or 2 drops of MMS in the dimple of the wine glass and since you are using 50% citric acid, you will only need one or two drops of the citric to activate the MMS. You will be using one-to-one citric and MMS. Once you add the citric, wait 20 seconds. It will turn dark brown (that’s the chlorine dioxide).

Step Three: Add Water

If you are using 2 drops of MMS, add 8 drops of water and mix a bit.

If you are using one drop of MMS, add 10 drops of water and mix a bit. That’s a total of 12 drops in both cases, counting MMS, citric acid, and water.

Step Four: Fill the Capsule

Suck the liquid out of the dimple using an eye dropper, carefully drop it into the gel capsule, and slip the lid on the capsule.

Then wash the capsule down with about one glass of water or juice or a little more at first. If you feel like vomiting, drink another glass of water or juice. You must take this gel capsule right away as it will soon dissolve.

Swallow it quickly, as you do not want it to dissolve in
your mouth.

If you are using Protocol 2,000 and are taking more than 3 drops an hour, you would need to make a second capsule for the third drop. It would contain one drop of MMS activated with one drop of citric acid and 6 drops of water. See chart on next page.

I have also determined that after several days, your system gets used to these capsules and you no longer feel like vomiting. Then you can go to 3 drops of MMS, 3 drops of citric and 4 drops of water.

Making up your Day’s Supply of MMS Doses for Capsules

Obtain a one-ounce dropper bottle, either plastic or glass. You can use an eye dropper bottle or a bottle with a dropper lid. The lid must be airtight. In a separate container, mix the number of MMS drops you will need for a day using the chart below with the heading “Make
up drops for an 8 hour day.” Once the drops are mixed, first wait the 20 seconds, then add the drops of water and then wait at least 5 more minutes before putting into the dropper bottle. The 5 minute wait is to make sure all reaction has finished.

Then during the day, use as many drops in your capsules as the chart indicates.

You can use this technique to take any number of drops of MMS, as you can take two, three or more of the gel capsules. However, with Protocol 1,000, one never needs more than three drops an hour. For extreme cases of cancer and other life-threatening diseases, you can use a size 00 gel capsule to take up to 4 drops of MMS and 4
drops of citric. When you get to the point of adding water drops, use as much water as the capsule will hold. The chart below tells you how many drops to use in the capsule.

Remember: never mix the MMS and citric acid in the capsule itself. It must be mixed before it gets to the capsule. Capsules often explode or pop open if the MMS is mixed in the capsule. The correct number of drops is given in the chart below so you will not have to experiment.

Use of Gel Capsules Sizes 0 and 00

The table below was developed so that you can make up enough drops for a full day and take it with you in a small dropper bottle.

The added drops of water are to stabilize the MMS so that it will last all day. Explanations are given below for each column. Use this when you cannot stand the taste of MMS even when you use juice to overcome the taste. Or you may just want to have a small bottle to take with you somewhere rather than taking a large 8-dose bottle.

Remember to take the correct number of capsules with you for the day.

MMS Drops for an 8-Hour Day
Protocol 1000

1 2 3 4 5
Drops per
Hour to
Drops of
Drops of
Citric Acid
Drops of
Number of
Drops in
1/2 4 4 16 3
1 8 8 48 8
2 16 16 40 9
3 24 24 32 10

MMS Drops for a 10-hour day
Protocol 2000

1 2 3 4 5
Drops per
Hour to
Drops of
Drops of
Citric Acid
Drops of
Number of
Drops in
4 40 40 40 12
5 50 50 50 15
6 60 60 60 18
7 70 70 70 21

Explanation of Columns

Column #1: The number of drops per hour that you would take for Protocol 1000 or 2000.

Column #2: The number of drops of MMS that you would put in the dropper bottle used for both Protocols 1000 and 2000.

Column #3: The number of drops of 50% citric acid that you would use in the same bottle as #2 above.

Column #4: The number of drops of water you would add to the bottle to stabilize the mixture and make it last all day (same bottle as #2 above). Don’t add the water until the 20 second reaction time is over.

Column #5: The number of drops you must put in the capsule in order to ingest the number of drops in #1. The capsules must be taken immediately after the drops are added as they will melt very quickly. Use size 0 or 00.

• For Protocol 2000 you will need to use up to 3 size 0 capsules, more than one each hour. Use a minimum of one full 8-ounce glass of water and more if needed.

The preceding is an excerpt from the book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium by Jim Humble.


Chlorine Dioxide

How to Use Chlorine Dioxide or MMS for Addressing Challenges

Chlorine dioxide water purification drops, known as MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, have gained recognition for their diverse therapeutic potential against various infectious and degenerative diseases. This guide will shed light on how chlorine dioxide functions in the body and its use in addressing conditions like cancer, influenza, and more.

Unlocking the Power of Chlorine Dioxide

One of chlorine dioxide’s remarkable properties is its ability to target non-health-promoting cells,  including reckless and cancerous cells, and kill them upon contact, allowing them to be eliminated and replaced by new healthy cells. Cancer patients often combine chlorine dioxide with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to create a potent treatment protocol. However, chlorine dioxide’s applications extend beyond cancer; it can effectively combat influenza, common colds, and a range of other conditions.

How Chlorine Dioxide Works

Chlorine dioxide operates by oxidizing pathogens within the body. This process can be likened to causing pathogens to explode, thereby eliminating them. This unique chemistry allows chlorine dioxide to exert a broad-spectrum effect against various microorganisms, encompassing viruses, bacteria, parasites, and protozoans.

Administration of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) or Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

Chlorine dioxide gas is generated when preparing MMS or chlorine dioxide at home. This gas remains trapped within the liquid for approximately 30 minutes after preparation. During this window, chlorine dioxide or MMS can be mixed with DMSO and applied transdermally or orally. It’s vital to handle DMSO with care.

Gradual Build-Up for Safe Usage

Starting with a low dose is recommended for new users. For feverish illnesses, a typical initial dosage comprises 6-8 activated drops of MMS with 18-24 drops of DMSO. This dose should be taken once per hour for two consecutive hours, followed by a 12-24 hour rest period. Subsequently, 3 activated drops (with 9 drops of DMSO) can be administered hourly until the illness recedes. Chlorine dioxide and DMSO is a winning combination.

Chlorine dioxide/MMS and DMSO

The Role of Detoxification

Detoxification is an integral part of using chlorine dioxide. Gradually increasing the dose allows the body to purge dead pathogens and toxins effectively. This detoxification reaction may manifest as flu-like symptoms but is temporary and indicative of the treatment’s effectiveness.

Preparing Chlorine Dioxide Solution at Home

To create a chlorine dioxide solution at home, you’ll need to use sodium chlorite solution and an activator like citric acid. The procedure involves a specific ratio of activator drops to sodium chlorite drops (usually a 1 to 1 drop ratio) and thorough mixing.

You can easily make your own chlorine dioxide or MMS with the two-part kit. Do so by mixing an equal number of drops of Part 1 and Part 2 in a clean dry glass. Swirl and allow to activate for 30 seconds, add 4 ounces of distilled or otherwise purified water. You are now ready.

What to Avoid During Treatment

Patients taking CDS or MMS should refrain from consuming vitamin C and other antioxidants at the same time, as they can interfere with the treatment’s effectiveness. Take vitamin C thirty minutes prior to or following your chlorine dioxide serving. Certain alternative medicines like Protocel should also be avoided.

Understanding Chlorine Dioxide’s Mechanism

Chlorine dioxide’s ability to accept electrons efficiently allows it to attack pathogens with laserlike precision. It selectively targets pathogenic cells, as healthy cells with a pH above 7 remain unaffected. This selectivity stems from the increased acidity of cancer cells, making them vulnerable to chlorine dioxide.

Versatile Applications for Chlorine Dioxide or MMS

Chlorine dioxide has demonstrated its efficacy in treating a wide array of diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, psoriasis, autism, hepatitis, diabetes, Lyme disease, herpes, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, parasitic infections, and various viral conditions.

It is important to note that the use of chlorine dioxide should be approached with care and preferably under medical supervision, especially for severe health conditions.

More Information

For more information about how to use chlorine dioxide or MMS (MMS is the nickname coined by researcher Jim Humble who discovered the health benefits of chlorine dioxide) there are two definitive books to consider.


The first recommended book is “The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium” by none other than the original discoverer, Jim Humble. In this book, you will find the results of his research and many protocols for ailments that others have achieved complete recovery from, including diseases that sufferers were given death sentences by their doctors. They were given a new lease on life.

The other book is Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration by Paris Humble, Jim Humble’s daughter, who carries on the work of her father in her work as a Health Coach, though she does so from a safe distance from the FDA and other regulators and law enforcement officers by educating others about how her father’s MMS never “cured” anyone of anything. Paris insists that the function of chlorine dioxide is not a cure or magical formula.

Instead, Paris Humble asserts that the job that chlorine dioxide performs (albeit better than any other known method) the job of eliminating the “bad bugs” that distract the natural body’s ability to self-heal. Once the swamp has been cleaned, immunity returns to a powerful stat, and the body can focus all that energy that was wasted on fighting for survival from the bad bugs to rebuild and regenerate the body.

In conclusion, in the world of alternative medicine, chlorine dioxide, often recognized as MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, emerges as a remarkable contender in the fight against a multitude of ailments. Its ability to provoke a transformation in cancer and terminal patients, and its broad-spectrum effectiveness against viruses, bacteria, and parasites have spurred interest and hope among patients seeking alternative treatments.

This guide has elucidated the science behind chlorine dioxide and provided insights into its various applications. From addressing cancer to influenza, Lyme disease to hepatitis, chlorine dioxide offers a versatile therapeutic option.

However, it’s essential to emphasize that the use of chlorine dioxide should be approached cautiously, preferably under the guidance of a natural healthcare professional. Starting with low doses, gradually increasing, and monitoring for detoxification reactions ensures a safer and more effective experience.

Chlorine dioxide’s unique mechanism of action, which selectively targets pathogens while sparing healthy cells, underscores its potential as a valuable addition to the realm of alternative medicine. As research and understanding continue to evolve, chlorine dioxide stands as a testament to the ever-expanding horizons of healthcare possibilities.