Chlorine Dioxide

Quick Reference Guide to Using Chlorine Dioxide, CDS and MMS

In a world where toxins are everywhere, from our water and food to the air we breathe, many people are turning to natural, effective ways to support their health and detoxify their bodies. One of the most promising solutions is chlorine dioxide, a gentle yet powerful oxidizer that targets harmful pathogens, heavy metals, and chemical toxins without harming healthy tissues or beneficial bacteria.

This quick reference guide offers a clear, practical overview of how to use chlorine dioxide safely and effectively. Whether you’re new to chlorine dioxide or looking to deepen your understanding, you’ll learn how to make it, how to take it, and how to support your body’s natural healing process using this widely misunderstood but potentially life-changing solution.

For health support, detoxification, and topical use

🔍 Key Terms & Definitions

Term Definition
MMS Miracle Mineral Solution. A 28% Sodium Chlorite (SC) liquid that becomes active when mixed with an activator, yielding 22.4% SC + 5.6% inert salts. Often mislabeled as Chlorine Dioxide.
Activator A mild acid ( Citric Acid, 4% Hydrochloric Acid, or stomach acid) used to activate MMS and generate Chlorine Dioxide gas.
Chlorine Dioxide The gaseous liquid that results from mixing MMS drops with an activator, allowing time to “activate,” then dilutes by adding four or more ounces of water.
CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution. A gas dissolved in water, created by distilling chlorine dioxide. It’s a purified version (no inert ingredients) that targets toxins while preserving healthy cells.
Toxin A poison in the body (from bacteria, parasites, chemicals, etc.).
Antidote A substance that neutralizes toxins—Chlorine dioxide works as an antidote.
Redox Potential The ability of a substance to accept or donate electrons helps neutralize toxins. CDS has a redox potential of 0.94V, ideal for oxidizing harmful substances without damaging healthy tissue.

💧 What is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide is a gentle but powerful detoxifier used worldwide to sanitize water and food. When used properly, it targets:

  • Bad bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Parasites
  • Heavy metals
  • Toxins

Unlike bleach, CDS is selective—it destroys harmful invaders without harming your gut flora or healthy cells.

🛒 How to Obtain CDS

You can buy:

  • CDS (ready-to-use solution) — already activated, tastes better, more expensive
  • MMS Kits (2-part kits) — includes Sodium Chlorite + Activator. Cheaper, can make CDS yourself.
  • Sodium Chlorite Crystals — to make your own MMS solution

⚠️ When buying Sodium Chlorite Crystals:
Choose one with <1% NaClO₃ (sodium chlorate) content for safety.

🧪 How to Make Your Own MMS (Sodium Chlorite Solution)

  1. Gather Supplies:
    • Sodium Chlorite Crystals (28% concentration when diluted)
    • Distilled water
    • Brown glass bottles (4 oz or larger)
    • Glass mixing container (no metal)
  2. Mix Ratio:
    • 280 grams Sodium Chlorite crystals
    • 720 grams warm distilled water
    • This makes ~7 bottles (4 oz each)
  3. Storage:
    • Use dark-colored bottles
    • Keep out of sunlight and heat
    • Do not store MMS and Activator mixed together—store separately

🧪 How to Make the Activator

Option 1: Citric Acid

  • Use 50% Citric Acid solution (pre-made or mixed)

Option 2: 4% Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)

  • Buy 32% HCL (available at hardware stores as muriatic acid)
  • Mix: 1/4 cup HCL into 1 ¾ cups distilled water
    • ⚠️ Always add acid to water, never the other way around

🥤 How to Use Chlorine Dioxide (Beginner Protocol)

🕊️ Start low and go slow to reduce detox symptoms like diarrhea, rash, or sweating.

Days 1–3:

  • Mix 1 drop MMS + 1 drop Activator
  • Wait 30–45 seconds (should turn yellow or light amber)
  • Add to 10–12 oz filtered water in a bottle
  • Sip throughout the day (best: a few sips every hour)

Days 4–6:

  • Use 2 drops MMS + 2 drops Activator (same method)

Days 7–9:

  • Use 3 drops MMS + 3 drops Activator (same method)

Day 10+:

  • Continue 3–15 drops depending on personal need
    • General Detox: 8–10 drops/day
    • Anti-aging protocol: up to 15 drops/day
    • Chronic Illness (e.g., cancer): up to 24 drops/day under self-supervision

Reminder: Chlorine Dioxide remains active in the body for about 45 minutes, so frequent micro-doses are more effective than one large dose.

🚽 Detox Reactions & Support

If you experience:

  • Diarrhea
  • Rash
  • Sweating
  • Nausea

This is likely detox, not allergy. It means your body is eliminating neutralized toxins.

To support detox:

  • Use binders like:
    • Pascalite clay
    • Apple pectin
    • Activated charcoal

❌ Do NOT use anti-diarrheal drugs like Imodium—you want to eliminate the toxins, not trap them, risking reinfection.

🛁 Bath Protocol

  • Mix 1–2 tsp MMS + ¼–½ tsp Activator
  • Wait until amber
  • Add to warm/hot bath
  • Soak 20–30 minutes

🛑 Start low, especially if you have sensitive skin. Adjust as needed.

🌿 Topical Use (With DMSO)

Used by some for skin issues or tumors.


  • Activate 3 drops MMS + 3 drops Activator
  • Add 6 drops 75% DMSO
  • Apply to clean skin (DMSO carries substances into the bloodstream)

⚠️ Avoid any lotions or chemicals on the skin before applying!

💦 Using Ready-Made CDS

  • CDS is already activated
  • Contains 3000 PPM chlorine dioxide gas dissolved in distilled water
  • Tastes better and causes less stomach upset
  • More expensive per dose than using MMS kits

📌 Adjust doses accordingly. Example:

  • 1 drop of activated MMS = approx. 1 mL of 3000 ppm CDS

⚖️ Comparison Table

Feature MMS + Activator CDS (Ready-Made)
Taste Stronger, bitter Milder, easier to drink
Cost More affordable More expensive
Ease of use Requires activation Already activated
Strength (PPM) ~10,000 PPM (fresh) ~3,000 PPM
Byproducts May contain trace sodium No sodium byproducts

✅ Key Takeaways

  • Store all components in a cool, dark place
  • Never mix in metal containers
  • Only use distilled water
  • Listen to your body and detox gently
  • Educate yourself before starting—start with a small dose and observe reactions



MMS Quick Reference Guide

Always use an activator with each drop of MMS1. Use 5 drops of lemon or lime juice or 10% citric acid, or one drop of 50% citric. Use 5 drops of vinegar in emergencies when lemon, lime, or citric acid are not available.

If diarrhea, nausea, or fatigue is severe, stop MMS until they are gone. They are reactions to too much MMS so start again immediately but with smaller doses. Increase as soon as possible. Many find that eating a raw apple 15 minutes before taking MMS helps to prevent nausea. Or when nausea is present, eating an apple helps to overcome it. It is best to pulverize the apple in a blender food processor before eating, but it must be fresh.

MMS2 can be used at any time and can be used when MMS1 is not available. In very bad cases, always add MMS2 capsules to the treatment. It can also be used on the outside of the body. Open a capsule and dissolve the powder in an eighth of a cup of water (that’s one ounce or 28g.) Use your fingers or a spray bottle to apply it to the affected areas.

Basic Sequence of Actions for Healing With MMS

Start with Protocol 1000 if the person you plan to treat has a simple disease such as a cold or the flu or even HIV/AIDS, or if there are undiagnosed pains, rheumatoid arthritis, problems with walking, or other physical problems.

Start with a quarter, a half, or one drop for the first hour, depending on how sick the person is. The sicker he is, the less MMS he should have. If the first dose does not cause a reaction, go to the next larger dose in the second or third hour. If that invokes no reaction, continue increasing until you have reached 3 drops on the fourth or fifth hour.

Never go over 3 drops an hour on Protocol 1000. Never go to the next Protocol if the person is improving.

If no improvement on Protocol 1000 after two weeks, then go to Protocol 2000.

Start with Protocol 2000 if the person has cancer or a life-threatening disease such as Hepatitis or liver failure or is on dialysis. If dialysis is involved, start at an eighth of a drop per hour.

If starting here, begin with a quarter, half, or one drop, depending on how sick the person is. Increase the drops per hour as fast as you can but without causing nausea or diarrhea. If possible, spray the cancer with 10 activated drops in each ounce of water once an hour for a few hours, and then once every two hours. As long as you can see improvement from spraying once an hour, do not stop.

If there is no noticeable improvement with Protocol 2000 in a few days (5 or more), then add Protocol 3000 or add 3000 right away if you think it will help.

Normally, do not start with Protocol 3000 but sometimes it might be indicated for a light treatment of MMS.

Begin by spraying an arm with MMS. Use 20 drops of activated MMS for each ounce of water. This is twice the strength of MMS that is sprayed on the body for all other problems. Immediately add DMSO and mix by rubbing it in, as it is too strong if not mixed with DMSO. Be sure to see Chapter 13 for details.

If there is still no slight improvement begin using the bag. Never spend more than 10 minutes in the bag. For maximum safety, only spend 5 minutes in the bag.

You can also add the following:

  • Douche: Use 2 glasses of water or a quart with 8 drops per glass (one drop per ounce, activated as always).
  • Skin spray: Use 10 drops per ounce (40 drops for half a glass of water). Spray any skin problem hourly and also take MMS by mouth.

Never go to the next protocol if the patient is improving.


Remember – any time the patient seems to get worse or reacts to MMS with diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, or extreme tiredness, reduce the dose. Or stop until the reaction goes away,  then start back at a lower dose. Never think it is alright to continue MMS  when the person is feeling worse.     Stop and wait until he is back to how he was when you started, and then start MMS again.

~ Jim Humble in The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium