
MMS Quick Reference Guide

Always use an activator with each drop of MMS1. Use 5 drops of lemon or lime juice or 10% citric acid, or one drop of 50% citric. Use 5 drops of vinegar in emergencies when lemon, lime, or citric acid are not available.

If diarrhea, nausea, or fatigue is severe, stop MMS until they are gone. They are reactions to too much MMS so start again immediately but with smaller doses. Increase as soon as possible. Many find that eating a raw apple 15 minutes before taking MMS helps to prevent nausea. Or when nausea is present, eating an apple helps to overcome it. It is best to pulverize the apple in a blender food processor before eating, but it must be fresh.

MMS2 can be used at any time and can be used when MMS1 is not available. In very bad cases, always add MMS2 capsules to the treatment. It can also be used on the outside of the body. Open a capsule and dissolve the powder in an eighth of a cup of water (that’s one ounce or 28g.) Use your fingers or a spray bottle to apply it to the affected areas.

Basic Sequence of Actions for Healing With MMS

Start with Protocol 1000 if the person you plan to treat has a simple disease such as a cold or the flu or even HIV/AIDS, or if there are undiagnosed pains, rheumatoid arthritis, problems with walking, or other physical problems.

Start with a quarter, a half, or one drop for the first hour, depending on how sick the person is. The sicker he is, the less MMS he should have. If the first dose does not cause a reaction, go to the next larger dose in the second or third hour. If that invokes no reaction, continue increasing until you have reached 3 drops on the fourth or fifth hour.

Never go over 3 drops an hour on Protocol 1000. Never go to the next Protocol if the person is improving.

If no improvement on Protocol 1000 after two weeks, then go to Protocol 2000.

Start with Protocol 2000 if the person has cancer or a life-threatening disease such as Hepatitis or liver failure or is on dialysis. If dialysis is involved, start at an eighth of a drop per hour.

If starting here, begin with a quarter, half, or one drop, depending on how sick the person is. Increase the drops per hour as fast as you can but without causing nausea or diarrhea. If possible, spray the cancer with 10 activated drops in each ounce of water once an hour for a few hours, and then once every two hours. As long as you can see improvement from spraying once an hour, do not stop.

If there is no noticeable improvement with Protocol 2000 in a few days (5 or more), then add Protocol 3000 or add 3000 right away if you think it will help.

Normally, do not start with Protocol 3000 but sometimes it might be indicated for a light treatment of MMS.

Begin by spraying an arm with MMS. Use 20 drops of activated MMS for each ounce of water. This is twice the strength of MMS that is sprayed on the body for all other problems. Immediately add DMSO and mix by rubbing it in, as it is too strong if not mixed with DMSO. Be sure to see Chapter 13 for details.

If there is still no slight improvement begin using the bag. Never spend more than 10 minutes in the bag. For maximum safety, only spend 5 minutes in the bag.

You can also add the following:

  • Douche: Use 2 glasses of water or a quart with 8 drops per glass (one drop per ounce, activated as always).
  • Skin spray: Use 10 drops per ounce (40 drops for half a glass of water). Spray any skin problem hourly and also take MMS by mouth.

Never go to the next protocol if the patient is improving.


Remember – any time the patient seems to get worse or reacts to MMS with diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, or extreme tiredness, reduce the dose. Or stop until the reaction goes away,  then start back at a lower dose. Never think it is alright to continue MMS  when the person is feeling worse.     Stop and wait until he is back to how he was when you started, and then start MMS again.

~ Jim Humble in The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium


Chlorine Dioxide

How to Use Chlorine Dioxide or MMS for Addressing Challenges

Chlorine dioxide water purification drops, known as MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, have gained recognition for their diverse therapeutic potential against various infectious and degenerative diseases. This guide will shed light on how chlorine dioxide functions in the body and its use in addressing conditions like cancer, influenza, and more.

Unlocking the Power of Chlorine Dioxide

One of chlorine dioxide’s remarkable properties is its ability to target non-health-promoting cells,  including reckless and cancerous cells, and kill them upon contact, allowing them to be eliminated and replaced by new healthy cells. Cancer patients often combine chlorine dioxide with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to create a potent treatment protocol. However, chlorine dioxide’s applications extend beyond cancer; it can effectively combat influenza, common colds, and a range of other conditions.

How Chlorine Dioxide Works

Chlorine dioxide operates by oxidizing pathogens within the body. This process can be likened to causing pathogens to explode, thereby eliminating them. This unique chemistry allows chlorine dioxide to exert a broad-spectrum effect against various microorganisms, encompassing viruses, bacteria, parasites, and protozoans.

Administration of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) or Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

Chlorine dioxide gas is generated when preparing MMS or chlorine dioxide at home. This gas remains trapped within the liquid for approximately 30 minutes after preparation. During this window, chlorine dioxide or MMS can be mixed with DMSO and applied transdermally or orally. It’s vital to handle DMSO with care.

Gradual Build-Up for Safe Usage

Starting with a low dose is recommended for new users. For feverish illnesses, a typical initial dosage comprises 6-8 activated drops of MMS with 18-24 drops of DMSO. This dose should be taken once per hour for two consecutive hours, followed by a 12-24 hour rest period. Subsequently, 3 activated drops (with 9 drops of DMSO) can be administered hourly until the illness recedes. Chlorine dioxide and DMSO is a winning combination.

Chlorine dioxide/MMS and DMSO

The Role of Detoxification

Detoxification is an integral part of using chlorine dioxide. Gradually increasing the dose allows the body to purge dead pathogens and toxins effectively. This detoxification reaction may manifest as flu-like symptoms but is temporary and indicative of the treatment’s effectiveness.

Preparing Chlorine Dioxide Solution at Home

To create a chlorine dioxide solution at home, you’ll need to use sodium chlorite solution and an activator like citric acid. The procedure involves a specific ratio of activator drops to sodium chlorite drops (usually a 1 to 1 drop ratio) and thorough mixing.

You can easily make your own chlorine dioxide or MMS with the two-part kit. Do so by mixing an equal number of drops of Part 1 and Part 2 in a clean dry glass. Swirl and allow to activate for 30 seconds, add 4 ounces of distilled or otherwise purified water. You are now ready.

What to Avoid During Treatment

Patients taking CDS or MMS should refrain from consuming vitamin C and other antioxidants at the same time, as they can interfere with the treatment’s effectiveness. Take vitamin C thirty minutes prior to or following your chlorine dioxide serving. Certain alternative medicines like Protocel should also be avoided.

Understanding Chlorine Dioxide’s Mechanism

Chlorine dioxide’s ability to accept electrons efficiently allows it to attack pathogens with laserlike precision. It selectively targets pathogenic cells, as healthy cells with a pH above 7 remain unaffected. This selectivity stems from the increased acidity of cancer cells, making them vulnerable to chlorine dioxide.

Versatile Applications for Chlorine Dioxide or MMS

Chlorine dioxide has demonstrated its efficacy in treating a wide array of diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, psoriasis, autism, hepatitis, diabetes, Lyme disease, herpes, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, parasitic infections, and various viral conditions.

It is important to note that the use of chlorine dioxide should be approached with care and preferably under medical supervision, especially for severe health conditions.

More Information

For more information about how to use chlorine dioxide or MMS (MMS is the nickname coined by researcher Jim Humble who discovered the health benefits of chlorine dioxide) there are two definitive books to consider.


The first recommended book is “The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium” by none other than the original discoverer, Jim Humble. In this book, you will find the results of his research and many protocols for ailments that others have achieved complete recovery from, including diseases that sufferers were given death sentences by their doctors. They were given a new lease on life.

The other book is Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration by Paris Humble, Jim Humble’s daughter, who carries on the work of her father in her work as a Health Coach, though she does so from a safe distance from the FDA and other regulators and law enforcement officers by educating others about how her father’s MMS never “cured” anyone of anything. Paris insists that the function of chlorine dioxide is not a cure or magical formula.

Instead, Paris Humble asserts that the job that chlorine dioxide performs (albeit better than any other known method) the job of eliminating the “bad bugs” that distract the natural body’s ability to self-heal. Once the swamp has been cleaned, immunity returns to a powerful stat, and the body can focus all that energy that was wasted on fighting for survival from the bad bugs to rebuild and regenerate the body.

In conclusion, in the world of alternative medicine, chlorine dioxide, often recognized as MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, emerges as a remarkable contender in the fight against a multitude of ailments. Its ability to provoke a transformation in cancer and terminal patients, and its broad-spectrum effectiveness against viruses, bacteria, and parasites have spurred interest and hope among patients seeking alternative treatments.

This guide has elucidated the science behind chlorine dioxide and provided insights into its various applications. From addressing cancer to influenza, Lyme disease to hepatitis, chlorine dioxide offers a versatile therapeutic option.

However, it’s essential to emphasize that the use of chlorine dioxide should be approached cautiously, preferably under the guidance of a natural healthcare professional. Starting with low doses, gradually increasing, and monitoring for detoxification reactions ensures a safer and more effective experience.

Chlorine dioxide’s unique mechanism of action, which selectively targets pathogens while sparing healthy cells, underscores its potential as a valuable addition to the realm of alternative medicine. As research and understanding continue to evolve, chlorine dioxide stands as a testament to the ever-expanding horizons of healthcare possibilities.