Chlorine Dioxide MMS

How to Use Gel Capsules for Administering Chlorine Dioxide MMS

You can overcome the bad taste of chlorine dioxide by diluting your dose by taking your MMS in capsules. See chart summarizing how to do the capsule calculations for Use of Gel Capsules Sizes 0 and 00 below.

Step One: Making up a Capsule

First make up a 50% solution of citric acid. For this method, you must use 50% one-to-one drops of citric and MMS.

Capsules are too small to take the 5 drops of 10% citric acid required for each drop of MMS.

Obtain a wine glass with a dimple in the bottom. Many such glasses do not have the dimple, but enough of them do that you will be able to find one. The dimple is to contain the few drops needed to make the MMS mixture.

Obtain size zero gel capsules. Most people can swallow size zero or even size 00 with no trouble.

After testing for many days, I have come to the conclusion that you don’t want to use more than 2 drops of MMS per capsule except in emergency situations, and in that case, you can use a larger capsule.

• The reason for this is that you do not want 6 drops of highly concentrated MMS in your stomach at one time. The capsule may get up against your stomach lining and become painful or you will have vomiting, usually what they call projectile vomiting, because the stomach really doesn’t like that kind of thing.

Step Two: Activate the MMS

Put 1 or 2 drops of MMS in the dimple of the wine glass and since you are using 50% citric acid, you will only need one or two drops of the citric to activate the MMS. You will be using one-to-one citric and MMS. Once you add the citric, wait 20 seconds. It will turn dark brown (that’s the chlorine dioxide).

Step Three: Add Water

If you are using 2 drops of MMS, add 8 drops of water and mix a bit.

If you are using one drop of MMS, add 10 drops of water and mix a bit. That’s a total of 12 drops in both cases, counting MMS, citric acid, and water.

Step Four: Fill the Capsule

Suck the liquid out of the dimple using an eye dropper, carefully drop it into the gel capsule, and slip the lid on the capsule.

Then wash the capsule down with about one glass of water or juice or a little more at first. If you feel like vomiting, drink another glass of water or juice. You must take this gel capsule right away as it will soon dissolve.

Swallow it quickly, as you do not want it to dissolve in
your mouth.

If you are using Protocol 2,000 and are taking more than 3 drops an hour, you would need to make a second capsule for the third drop. It would contain one drop of MMS activated with one drop of citric acid and 6 drops of water. See chart on next page.

I have also determined that after several days, your system gets used to these capsules and you no longer feel like vomiting. Then you can go to 3 drops of MMS, 3 drops of citric and 4 drops of water.

Making up your Day’s Supply of MMS Doses for Capsules

Obtain a one-ounce dropper bottle, either plastic or glass. You can use an eye dropper bottle or a bottle with a dropper lid. The lid must be airtight. In a separate container, mix the number of MMS drops you will need for a day using the chart below with the heading “Make
up drops for an 8 hour day.” Once the drops are mixed, first wait the 20 seconds, then add the drops of water and then wait at least 5 more minutes before putting into the dropper bottle. The 5 minute wait is to make sure all reaction has finished.

Then during the day, use as many drops in your capsules as the chart indicates.

You can use this technique to take any number of drops of MMS, as you can take two, three or more of the gel capsules. However, with Protocol 1,000, one never needs more than three drops an hour. For extreme cases of cancer and other life-threatening diseases, you can use a size 00 gel capsule to take up to 4 drops of MMS and 4
drops of citric. When you get to the point of adding water drops, use as much water as the capsule will hold. The chart below tells you how many drops to use in the capsule.

Remember: never mix the MMS and citric acid in the capsule itself. It must be mixed before it gets to the capsule. Capsules often explode or pop open if the MMS is mixed in the capsule. The correct number of drops is given in the chart below so you will not have to experiment.

Use of Gel Capsules Sizes 0 and 00

The table below was developed so that you can make up enough drops for a full day and take it with you in a small dropper bottle.

The added drops of water are to stabilize the MMS so that it will last all day. Explanations are given below for each column. Use this when you cannot stand the taste of MMS even when you use juice to overcome the taste. Or you may just want to have a small bottle to take with you somewhere rather than taking a large 8-dose bottle.

Remember to take the correct number of capsules with you for the day.

MMS Drops for an 8-Hour Day
Protocol 1000

1 2 3 4 5
Drops per
Hour to
Drops of
Drops of
Citric Acid
Drops of
Number of
Drops in
1/2 4 4 16 3
1 8 8 48 8
2 16 16 40 9
3 24 24 32 10

MMS Drops for a 10-hour day
Protocol 2000

1 2 3 4 5
Drops per
Hour to
Drops of
Drops of
Citric Acid
Drops of
Number of
Drops in
4 40 40 40 12
5 50 50 50 15
6 60 60 60 18
7 70 70 70 21

Explanation of Columns

Column #1: The number of drops per hour that you would take for Protocol 1000 or 2000.

Column #2: The number of drops of MMS that you would put in the dropper bottle used for both Protocols 1000 and 2000.

Column #3: The number of drops of 50% citric acid that you would use in the same bottle as #2 above.

Column #4: The number of drops of water you would add to the bottle to stabilize the mixture and make it last all day (same bottle as #2 above). Don’t add the water until the 20 second reaction time is over.

Column #5: The number of drops you must put in the capsule in order to ingest the number of drops in #1. The capsules must be taken immediately after the drops are added as they will melt very quickly. Use size 0 or 00.

• For Protocol 2000 you will need to use up to 3 size 0 capsules, more than one each hour. Use a minimum of one full 8-ounce glass of water and more if needed.

The preceding is an excerpt from the book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium by Jim Humble.


Chlorine Dioxide MMS

MMS Chlorine Dioxide and Disease

The secret ingredient of Jim Humble’s MMS is chlorine dioxide water purification drops. Actually, that’s pretty much all you need to know. Thanks to Mr. Humble, we know so much more about his discovery about this inexpensive CDS chlorine dioxide solution that could be used as chlorine dioxide home treatment to resolve many high dollar ailments.

Rest assured that millions of people have safely taken chlorine dioxide internally for over 80 years as a water purifier. Millions and millions of people have purified their drinking water with chlorine dioxide while hiking, camping, fishing and hunting in the wilderness. They had no bad side effects and enjoy fresh pure drinking water for pennies on the dollar. Now hundreds of thousands of people are using a few drops of chlorine dioxide at a time to clean out toxins, bacteria inside their own bodies with good results!

In Jim Humble’s 268-page book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, he provides readers with many different protocols which could be applied to a wide variety of diseases and emergency interventions for children, adults, and animals, using CDS water purification drops, which he nicknamed MMS or Master Mineral Solution.


There is a general misconception about this being presented as chlorine dioxide medicine which is far from the case. Paris Humble, Jim Humble’s daughter and author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration helps us to understand more about the dioxide chlorine liquid and how it relates to the proposed health benefits of chlorine dioxide.

She has seen so many people claim to have been cured from long-standing disease or discomfort by drinking water purified by cl02 chlorine dioxide. Understanding their elation to be free from pain and suffering from something that may have seemed to be incurable. When the problem may not have been the diagnosed disease at all.

What is Disease?

A specific disease is not anything that will harm you. A disease is simply a way to categorize a set of symptoms and commonalities within the body into a group that is standardized enough that doctors can share information with each other quickly, without having to share all the individual specifics about a patient’s condition.

When you are given the diagnosis of a disease by name, it is generally understood that you are having “these kinds of symptoms” in “these areas of the body.” Once a diagnosis has been made, the doctor will go about the work of investigating what has worked for other doctors who have diagnosed someone with the same disease, and hope that they can help you in the same way. Unfortunately, 99% of the doctors are not trained to think beyond the box — of giving pharmaceuticals to try to cover up the symptoms or try to poison a body back to health.

All very logical, systematic, and efficient when things work out the way you’d like them to. Normally, successful treatment is assumed when the patient is experiencing fewer symptoms from the disease.

Often the symptoms exist from something not right inside the body, and the something not right could be pathogens, bacteria, viruses, or parasites that are attacking the body from the inside out. When this is the case, a universal antibiotic, like chlorine dioxide might be effective in killing off the pathogens, even if you don’t know what kind of pathogens they are, that are causing this particular set of symptoms. *

Chlorine Dioxide FDA and EPA Registrations

Chlorine dioxide is registered with the FDA and EPA as being able to destroy bacteria and viruses, such as Ebola, EBV, herpes, HIV, influenza, measles, polio, and many other treatment resistant infections like MRSA. It is used to disinfect medical supplies and equipment.

Science has proven that Chlorine dioxide is completely compatible with human blood. As a matter of fact, CDS is used to sanitize blood bags and keep the bagged blood safe from bacteria and infections, so it can be used safely in transfusions.

Chlorine Dioxide and Heavy Metals

There is a lot of talk these days about how damaging stored heavy metals can be in the body, negatively impacting thyroid, endocrine, and nerve systems. Chlorine dioxide helps to destroy and neutralize heavy metals through oxidation allowing them to pass through the body with other waste materials.



Chlorine Dioxide MMS

MMS Chlorine Dioxide Solution CDS 3000

There is a lot of information out there on activated chlorine dioxide which is activated sodium chlorite. When sodium chlorite is activated, it becomes chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is extremely effective in killing all known pathogens and is authorized by the FDA for professional use in food processing and water treatment for cleaning and disinfection.

In the Jim Humble stumble, Jim accidentally discovered that a simple water purifier used in the field brought people back from nearly being dead of malaria right before his eyes, and in 1996, he began his research and development into the active ingredient in the water purifier, chlorine dioxide, which he nicknamed MMS for master mineral solutions.

It turns out chlorine dioxide solution uses, especially in terms of setting right many of the wrongs in the human body. Even though the use of chlorine dioxide for human consumption is clearly banned by the FDA, it is authorized to treat nearly anything we eat or drink because everything it touches is safer for human consumption because CDS kills pretty much anything that could harm us, like pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and other things, like parasites, without altering or harming the food.


Jim Humble discovered that chlorine dioxide drinking water could have the very same reaction, to kill all of those things when ingested inside the human body without harm, just like it did the food. While the news of Humble’s discovery spread like wildfire, the FDA was not impressed and declared that this inexpensive substance was not suitable for human consumption. Jim documented his finding in his Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

This was problematic for Humble who was enthusiastic about sharing his research and development with the world, so he established a religious entity to operate within so that he could freely share MMS with the world as a religious sacrament, protected by the separation of church and state.

And it worked. Chlorine dioxide products began to spring up everywhere and the people, practitioners, and natural alternative specialists were closely watching Jim Humble’s research. This put the healing power of this mighty pathogen-killer in the hands of everyday people, like you and me.

A Doctor of Nutrition and Health who suffered from chronic Lyme disease used MMS to overcome their incurable disease in a year. In fact, he wrote of the experience in his book, Lyme Disease Non-medical Diagnosis and Treatment: How I Kicked Chronic Lyme disease in One Year for Pennies, by Herb “Roi” Richards.

How to Buy MMS

All this might make a curious do-it-yourselfer look for a DIY product, like chlorine dioxide solution. While it may not be available for human consumption, it is available over the counter as a water purifier, and you could discover it yourself in a similar way as Jim Humble did.

You might try searching for chlorine dioxide near me, but that is probably not going to get you in the ballpark. Searching for something like water purification drops with chlorine dioxide might be a better idea. As you start to look for chlorine dioxide, you will commonly find an inexpensive two-part formulation, where properly diluted sodium chlorite is in one container, and an acid activator is in the other.

These are combined in a one-to-one mix. For example, one drop of diluted sodium chlorite is placed in a clean and dry shot glass, to which one drop of diluted acid is added. Swirl the drops together and wait for 30 to 40 seconds. You will easily be able to detect a distinct chlorine dioxide smell coming from the combination, and you know that you are on track. Now you have a shot glass with one drop of MMS in it, and you’re ready to go.

Keep in mind one drop of MMS, is one drop of sodium chlorite activated by one drop of acid. It sounds like two drops, but it is only one drop activated that becomes chlorine dioxide.

You may also find chlorine dioxide available in a pre-mixed formulation as Chlorine Dioxide Solution, which is created via a distillation process resulting in a solution suspension of 3,000 parts per million, so you might find this commercially available as CDS 3000, as well.

There is an understanding that 3,000 parts per million is the highest concentration that can be suspended in H2O, though there are some DIYers who are attempting to make a higher concentration.

We are also proud to acknowledge that Paris Humble, Jim Humble’s daughter has become as passionate as her father in spreading the news about the health benefits of chlorine dioxide in her new book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.


Chlorine Dioxide MMS

MMS Patents Master Mineral Solutions

If you are looking for a natural alternative healing modality for any chronic malady that is treatment-resistant, there’s a good chance that you’ve run across Jim Humble’s research and MMS or Master Mineral Solutions for what ails you.

Jim Humble started his research and development of master mineral solutions based on chlorine dioxide in 1996, which spread like wildfire. He continued to explore the possibilities of using chlorine dioxide for humans, something that the FDA was firmly against.

Almost immediately anecdotal stories were being handed down about MMS users having tremendous results in overcoming chronic challenges from debilitating diseases that they were told cannot be cured.

Chlorine Dioxide Safety

Where the safety of using chlorine dioxide liquid for treating humans is concerned, there are two opposing camps. Most profusely, the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, in the United States of America (USA) has banned the use of chlorine dioxide (MMS) for human consumption.

Chlorine Dioxide Patents Issued

Interestingly, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued patents for pharmaceuticals to use chlorine dioxide to eliminate cancer tumors by injection, treat cancer radiation patients via IV, use in treating radiation cystitis, diabetic foot ulcers, wound healing, cancer radiation burns, and 5G radiation poisoning.

Curiously, there is a European patent issued for treating respiratory virus infection, which leads to the United States FDA and EPA registration of Chlorine for use in battling Coronavirus including SARS.

FREE vs. Pharmaceuticals

Since 1996, Jim Humble has made these claims about the efficacy of these uses of chlorine dioxide, which he nicknamed MMS, and meant for these master mineral solutions to be used by the people. As he made his discoveries, he gave away the information freely to us.


You can read about Jim Humble’s research in his latest book The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

Since then, Jim Humble’s daughter has continued her father’s work and has also released information vital to the proliferation of chlorine dioxide for health in her book, “Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.”

Little did the Humbles know that the government would be issuing patents based on their research, thereby authorizing the pharmaceuticals to block the people from using chlorine dioxide for uses that they have been granted access to, and the FDA and EPA being able to block anyone from using chlorine dioxide for treating Coronavirus or SARS.

Are there chlorine dioxide side effects?

Just as in any therapeutic treatment, there are some side effects, but unlike the laundry list of contraindications, the side effects of using chlorine dioxide yourself is mostly referred to as detoxification and sometimes called a Herxheimer reaction, which could cause headache, nausea, diarrhea, or even vomiting if too much is taken.

The consensus of both Jim and Paris Humble is that if you notice the indications of excessive detoxification not stop taking MMS or chlorine dioxide, but cut the amount that you are taking in half. If the effects of detox are intolerable, cut it in half again as often as necessary.

Paris humble says not to stop taking chlorine dioxide CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) because the ill effects are indications that the process is working well. Possibly too well. And that the process is the body’s attempt to get rid of all the dead pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Some people may be uneasy with ridding themselves of these things too rapidly. For them, they must reduce the amount to kill them off more slowly, at a pace that they can be comfortable with which makes more sense to us.

Years ago when Taylore and I used chlorine dioxide, there were no guidelines yet, so we just winged it and we were eventually successful.


Chlorine Dioxide MMS

Master Mineral Solution MMS

This amazing product can spare your life, or save the life of a friend or family member who might be suffering from one of 300 or more different diseases.

How Does Master Mineral Solution MMS Work Inside Your Body?

  • It kills dangerous bacteria
  • It eliminates viruses
  • It kills mold and fungus
  • It oxidized the waste material of all of the above
  • It oxidizes heavy metals
Water Purifier kills all dangerous bacteria, viruses, and mold

The technical name for MMS is chlorine dioxide, the safest water purifier so far. It is widely used by European water suppliers as well as various other countries around the world. It is also called a Water Purifier and has been used for that purpose for 80 years.

The response to diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis A, B, and C, jungle fever, Malaria, Ebola, Fibromyalgia, Lime disease, herpes, TB, most mold growth, fungus, and even cancer is that MMS is the super oxidizer.  Numerous infections caused by bacteria are currently effortlessly controlled. More than 10,000,000 people around the world have used MMS with varying degrees of success depending on how well they follow instructions and how persistent they are.

There have been no dangerous side effects reported. The chlorine dioxide is also naturally produced by the body as a self-defense practice, but not enough to kill the current invasion of superbugs.

Many field tests have been performed in Africa. For example, investigative clinical trials have been directed in the nation of Uganda, East Africa where 154 people were completely cured of Malaria in 24 to 36 hours.

Presently, the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing is making MMS items accessible as a base gift in a humanitarian effort to help communities heal sick people. The bishop of the church said, “I wish we could make MMS complimentary all over the world, but many jurisdictions will not allow us to do so. Much-needed cash donations would allow us to help more people where we can.  As more people in these countries wake up, get the training as Health Ministers, and see how easily the MMS kills bacteria, we can help the world’s populace get much healthier, sooner and easier than we thought.”




Jim Humble invented the master mineral solutions

Jim says, “Up until this time all Church trusts have rolled in from either Ministers of Health paying for their own MMS products, or from the efforts of my selling books. There have been a few gifts, yet that has been extremely spotty. With even more steady donations, the Church will have the capacity to do many times the good they’re able to do now.” See: Jim Humble’s MMS DVD.

>>>Buy water purifier (chlorine dioxide, Master Mineral Solution MMS)

Chlorine Dioxide MMS

Master Mineral Solutions MMS Testimonials

Many people are taking back their power and learning how to kill bacteria in their own bodies…

1. Heart Disease – Irregular and elevated heart rate

Ageless — I’m 75 and have been into alternative health for over 35 years. Since the age of 18-20, I’ve had an intermittent problem with irregular and elevated heart rates. Many things triggered the condition; Caffeine, stress, exercise…It was always close to acting up.

I know my stuff and tried a lot of things with no lasting success. On the fifth day of MMS, I took my blood pressure. As usual, it was normal or a bit low. The surprise was the heart rate, which read 60!!! I felt the pulse and it was firm and rock steady. I attend a gym and often had, “After workout” problems; High, irregular, pulse with a light-headed feeling.

The body is stronger! I’ve exercised since and the problem seems to have cleared. I have more energy, the heart rate goes higher than it did (Good) and I sweat more (Good). As soon as I stop there is a steady recovery in resting heart rate. For me, this is close to a miracle. Jim: Use the above as a testimonial, if you wish. Book 1 showed incidents of general apathy toward Africa. Terrible! I support your (Jim Humble’s) mission, 100%.

Carl Lindert

2. Cancer Cure? She was given only – Two Weeks to Live

Cancer never sleeps… This has been a very exciting week in many ways. The main event has been the girl I mentioned last time Delwyn basically was given 2 weeks to live from her alternative GP with her cancer. She was confined to a wheelchair. Her family had a special pre-birthday gathering as they did not expect her to make it to her birthday.

She needed a miracle! She could only get up for 10 minutes at a time, and then only in her wheelchair, she was so weak & frail. Her GP had heard about MMS (Stands for Master Mineral Solutions) and understood how it works in the body and was very insistent that I get some over to her asap as he said only if we get something really effective into her orally and also with God’s intervention will she pull through this.

Yes, Our Father has intervened and we Praise Him!

One week and 4 days later from taking the MMS she is up and about and has been going for walks for the past week. Drove herself down to the lake yesterday and walked the lake. Took part in a presentation yesterday and did very well, as she normally does.

Joann Kyce

3. Suffering from Chronic dandruff all my life

Testimonial: I’ve had chronic dandruff all my life. We are talking big snowflakes type of dandruff. If I didn’t wash my hair with a strong dandruff shampoo every other day, dandruff would reappear a day later. The prescription shampoos didn’t do any good either. It got so bad that when scratching my scalp, I could actually get a millimeter’s worth of dandruff under my fingernails. If I rubbed my scalp and hair lightly, dry flakes would fall as if it was snowing.

Dandruff is a hard one to get rid of… I had tried all sorts of remedies specifically designed to treat this problem without any success. It is something I had learned to live with all these years. I’m 55 years old now and still had this problem recently. Someone mentioned MMS on one of the forums online. With that, I bought a copy of your book, read about MMS, and actually bought a couple of bottles from your friend in Canada.

I was healthy, I thought! Since I didn’t have any particular health problems, I just took MMS for maintenance purposes. About 7-10 drops with half a tablespoon of citric acid solution in two ounces of water. I repeated this routine once or twice a week.

Success: A few days ago after ingesting the MMS for about two months, I noticed that my dandruff was completely gone. I purposely skipped two days of shampooing and scratched my scalp just to test it, but I am happy to say “THE DANDRUFF WAS AND IS NOW COMPLETELY GONE”.

Stool better — As a side note, I’ve also had a better bowel movement since.

Thank you, this was a God send.


(Note: This story is included to illustrate the point that most skin diseases, including melanoma, are overcome by taking MMS internally. Normally, one does not need to put the MMS on the outside, but I keep a spray bottle in the kitchen filled with MMS. For activation — Use lime, lemon, or citric acid solution. They say– Vinegar feeds candida. Please don’t use vinegar as the activator.

4. What if you had: Chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs.

I downloaded the Jim Humble books on 8/24 (2007) and ordered the MMS from David the same day. I received the product on 8/28 and began taking it that day. That was on a Tuesday.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), A little background. I have COPD, chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema in both lungs. I have been on oxygen for months and should have been on it much longer but doctors couldn’t seem to agree as to what was wrong. I was so weak before that to brush my teeth I needed to sit on a bar stool and lean onto the bathroom counter on my elbows because I didn’t have the strength to hold my body upright to simply brush my teeth.

A little success raises the spirits! By Sunday 9/01 I felt so good that I went shopping for several hours without an oxygen tank. By the following week, I was totally off the oxygen, even at night, and have been free of the oxygen tubes and tanks ever since.

Miracle Mineral Solution! The MMS has given me back my life. I can vacuum my floors, work in my yard and cook my meals, now. 🙂 and I can brush my teeth standing at the bathroom sink as everyone else does. This is the best I’ve felt in years and I’m getting better every day.

Again, thank you, Jim Humble. Your product has literally saved my life. I wish to thank you for what you have done for me. I have sung your praises all across the Internet and also to friends and family. Lots of these people have ordered your books and purchased the product because they have seen the difference this has made in my life.


5. Lyme Disease: I’m 79 years old and I’ve had Lyme disease for 10 years. I thought I had so many other diseases, but none would respond to traditional treatments.

Then I read Kevin Trudeau’s latest book — “More natural cures Revealed” and saw where he said that “person after person has Lyme disease and — no one is finding it.”

After reading that book — we did find out that I had Lyme disease and after much more studying and research on the Internet I figured out that traditional treatment did not really kill the Lyme spirochete. That is when I tried MMS. After just one week I could use my hands again.

Now after one year on MMS My health is quite good and Lyme disease is 100% gone!

Thanks to Jim Humble and all the brave MMS distributors in Canada!

Mack from B.C. PS: I’m rebuilding my muscle strength with Magnesium (Mag oil spray)found here: magnesium oil spray and Buy MMS in 2 small bottles for the price of one, Jim humble book, MMS DVD

6. Multiple Sclerosis

I have taken MMS for 5 months. I have had Multiple Sclerosis and have improved my symptoms over the years with many holistic therapies and treatments. I always found some of the symptoms would reoccur in time. I came to the belief that Multiple Sclerosis is a pathogen based and the immune system is overwhelmed and started attacking the central nervous system and myelin. I believe as long as the pathogens are active the MS disease will remain a problem.

I found MMS and thought this is the answer to the pathogen problems. I started out very low and remained at 3 drops several times a day for over a month. I noticed my nails improving right away. They lost the dullness and started to shine. they also lost ridges and lumps. I noticed the white foam which I took to be yeast die off. I have seen my pre-cancer lumps drop off. I have seen lymph congestion diminish.. I have seen lymph nodules reduced. The functions of my lungs, Kidneys, bowels, and skin, have improved. My balance problems, aches, and stiffness as well as spasms from MS have been absent for over two months. My sleep and digestion are much improved. I am no longer snoring, My skin looks better and the age spots are gone. My skin is starting to tighten on my arms, face, neck, and upper and lower legs. My balance is much improved. My stiffness has subsided. An ear infection that I have had for 10 years has cleared. My sinus is clearing and my voice has changed due to open sinus passages. My voice is stronger. . I may have left out a few improvements as there seems to be no area in which MMS hasn’t improved.

Miracle Mineral has changed my life! I believe improvements are a result of doing the MMS protocol. I have worked up to 10 drops 3 to 4 times a day. I also am doing a lot to keep all systems evacuating. I also am taking enzymes although for the first month I didn’t do this. Hope this is helpful. Are you dealing with Systemic Yeast? Many people have Candida Yeast and it is very destructive. I also have been diagnosed with Lime’s disease, mycoplasma, Epstein Barr, chlamydia pneumonia, BlackBerry Mold infection, and various staph infections. I am drinking more water and my thirst has returned. I don’t crave the foods or drinks which are bad for me.

Marlene WA

PS: Links… Right-click your mouse to open the links in a new window

buy MMS miracle mineral/NACS  –  ships daily

magnesium oil spray, Buy MMS in 2 bottles for the price of one,

Jim humble book, MMS DVD

buy MMS at a secure MMS shopping cartMMS kit with citric acid activator Info about MMS:

Buy an MMS kit with citric acid

MMS Kills all pathogens in the body!

Chlorine Dioxide MMS

What Is the MMS Protocol 3000 by Jim Humble

MMS Protocol 3000 consists of applying MMS to the skin on an hourly basis for 10 hours and each time spraying or gently applying DMSO on top of the MMS Water Purification Drops after it has been sprayed or applied to the skin.

Follow this procedure for MMS Protocol 3000 by Jim Humble:

Make up a spray bottle of MMS with 20 drops of MMS to each ounce of water.  A 4-ounce spray bottle would take 100 drops of MMS and of course, 100 drops of 50% citric acid or 500 drops of 10%  citric or lemon juice.  Wait 20 seconds before filling the bottle with water when using the 50% citric and 3 minutes when using the 10% citric.  This bottle can be used all day long as the spray head prevents oxygen from getting to the solution thus keeping it fresh.  A STANDARD TEASPOON LEVEL FULL IS 100 DROPS.


Obtain a spray bottle for the DMSO
and dilute the DMSO by at least 10% with water (plain water is OK) but for safety distilled water is best as there will be nothing in the water to also penetrate the skin.  You can use the spray bottle for many days as long as you remove the spray head after each use and put the end of the hose in some clean water and spray the water through it for several sprays.  Then put the spray head back in place but do not spray it until you are ready to spray it on your skin again.  Otherwise, the DMSO destroys the spray head by hardening the plastic.

Follow this MMS Protocol 3000 by Jim Humble procedure each hour, moving from one arm to the other and then one leg to the other and then the stomach and back to the first arm and second arm and legs again for 10 hours:  FIRST, spray one arm with MMS then Immediately spray DMSO on top of the MMS and gently smooth the DMSO over the arm with your hand or with a small plastic bag over the hand.  Do not use rubber surgical gloves as DMSO melts them and will cause the rubber to penetrate your skin.

MMS Protocol 3000 by Jim Humble PROBLEMS: If the skin becomes irritated, dilute the MMS 50% with water and dilute the DMSO 50% with water.  Do not do this unless it is necessary.  This is an all-day job.
After spraying and gently smoothing the DMSO over top of the MMS allow the mixture to absorb into your skin.  It will do so in less than 1/2 hour.  Do not dry it off, it will soak in.  It does not dry, it soaks in.

Use this MMS Protocol 3000 by Jim Humble with protocol 1000 or 2000 or use it by itself, but then take Protocol 1000 or 2000 during the resting days, and do not stop the 1000 or 2000 during the resting days.

MMS Protocol 3000 also has drawbacks…


Take it easy when you use MMS Protocol 3000



If you get sicker reduce your MMS but don’t stop unless you are very badly sick, then stop until that added sickness goes away, and then continue with less MMS

As always with love,

Jim Humble