Chlorine Dioxide MMS

MMS Patents Master Mineral Solutions

If you are looking for a natural alternative healing modality for any chronic malady that is treatment-resistant, there’s a good chance that you’ve run across Jim Humble’s research and MMS or Master Mineral Solutions for what ails you.

Jim Humble started his research and development of master mineral solutions based on chlorine dioxide in 1996, which spread like wildfire. He continued to explore the possibilities of using chlorine dioxide for humans, something that the FDA was firmly against.

Almost immediately anecdotal stories were being handed down about MMS users having tremendous results in overcoming chronic challenges from debilitating diseases that they were told cannot be cured.

Chlorine Dioxide Safety

Where the safety of using chlorine dioxide liquid for treating humans is concerned, there are two opposing camps. Most profusely, the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, in the United States of America (USA) has banned the use of chlorine dioxide (MMS) for human consumption.

Chlorine Dioxide Patents Issued

Interestingly, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued patents for pharmaceuticals to use chlorine dioxide to eliminate cancer tumors by injection, treat cancer radiation patients via IV, use in treating radiation cystitis, diabetic foot ulcers, wound healing, cancer radiation burns, and 5G radiation poisoning.

Curiously, there is a European patent issued for treating respiratory virus infection, which leads to the United States FDA and EPA registration of Chlorine for use in battling Coronavirus including SARS.

FREE vs. Pharmaceuticals

Since 1996, Jim Humble has made these claims about the efficacy of these uses of chlorine dioxide, which he nicknamed MMS, and meant for these master mineral solutions to be used by the people. As he made his discoveries, he gave away the information freely to us.


You can read about Jim Humble’s research in his latest book The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

Since then, Jim Humble’s daughter has continued her father’s work and has also released information vital to the proliferation of chlorine dioxide for health in her book, “Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.”

Little did the Humbles know that the government would be issuing patents based on their research, thereby authorizing the pharmaceuticals to block the people from using chlorine dioxide for uses that they have been granted access to, and the FDA and EPA being able to block anyone from using chlorine dioxide for treating Coronavirus or SARS.

Are there chlorine dioxide side effects?

Just as in any therapeutic treatment, there are some side effects, but unlike the laundry list of contraindications, the side effects of using chlorine dioxide yourself is mostly referred to as detoxification and sometimes called a Herxheimer reaction, which could cause headache, nausea, diarrhea, or even vomiting if too much is taken.

The consensus of both Jim and Paris Humble is that if you notice the indications of excessive detoxification not stop taking MMS or chlorine dioxide, but cut the amount that you are taking in half. If the effects of detox are intolerable, cut it in half again as often as necessary.

Paris humble says not to stop taking chlorine dioxide CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) because the ill effects are indications that the process is working well. Possibly too well. And that the process is the body’s attempt to get rid of all the dead pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Some people may be uneasy with ridding themselves of these things too rapidly. For them, they must reduce the amount to kill them off more slowly, at a pace that they can be comfortable with which makes more sense to us.

Years ago when Taylore and I used chlorine dioxide, there were no guidelines yet, so we just winged it and we were eventually successful.


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